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"And remove from us and from all Israel all kinds of sick" -Prayer for smallpox - handwriting by Rabbi Shlomo Michael Yona from Turin

Opening price: $1,000

Commission: 22%

06.17.2020 07:00pm

"Remember us today, and every day, the covenant of the ancestors, and a thirteen covenant of mercy and supplication written in your Tora ... and tell the angel constantly destroying your hand ... Jose about your people ...". A unique prayer for smallpox in the handwriting of Rabbi Shlomo Michal Yona of Turin.

Rabbi Shlomo Michael Yona , Av Beit Din of Torino, one of the greatest Morey Horaha in Italy in the 18th century. Brother-in-law of Rabbi Yechiel Chaim Trevish Av Beit Din of Virzili. One of the greatest sages of Eleesandria in Italy, where he received the Torah from the great Rabbi Eliyahu HaLevi, who was also his teacher in Kabbalah. When the Chid'a arrived in the way of his mission to Alexandria, they became friends. the Chid'a in his letters sailed in praise and testified that he was behaving in Hasidiut way and calls him "the affection of the right eye". In his later years he was appointed Av Beit Din Torino.
Especially famous his responsa concerning the polemic that arose in Italy regarding whether to say piyutim on the night of Shemini Atzeret, which falls on the Sabbath before מזמור שיר ליום השבת, On which approved Rabbi Eliyahu HaLevi, and the Ga'on Rabbi Yishmael HaCohen, Av Beit Din of Modina author of Zera Emet, [Sanz, vol. 5, 2003, p. 3].

[1] leaf. 23x18 cm. Good condition. Attached transcript of the pray.

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220. "And remove from us and from all Israel all kinds of sick" -Prayer for smallpox - handwriting by Rabbi Shlomo Michael Yona from Turin