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Application for a medical certificate for the groom with the signature of "Baba Meir"

Opening price: $1,000

Commission: 22%

02.15.2023 07:00pm

Application for a medical certificate for the groom with the signature of the holy hand of Rabbi Meir Abu Chatzihra - Baba Meir. 6/13/1962.

DEMANDE D'EXAMEN RADIOSCOPIQUE - A request for a radioscopic examination - a form sent to doctor Ilos Karmbin from the Chief Rabbinate of Morocco, signed by Rabbi Meir Abuchatzira while he served as rabbi of Arfod, for a lung X-ray examination for a groom to confirm that he is healthy. In the note on page 2, it is written about the serious moral responsibility that the bride and groom have towards their future partner by presenting this form confirming that his health is normal. The form was filled out by hand on 6/13/1962 by the aforementioned doctor.

Rabbi Meir Abu Chatzihra - 'Baba Meir' [1917-1983] was born in Morocco to his father 'Baba Sali', from his youth devoted his childhood to the Torah in holiness and purity. For many years, the two saints, the great father Baba Sali and his younger son Baba Meir, secluded themselves together in an attic and studied the Torah in holiness and purity without meeting a living soul. Baba Meir served as rabbi and head yeshiva in Midelt and rabbi of Erfoud. Besides his greatness in the secret Tora, he became known as a genius and immensely knowledgeable in the Nigleh. Beginning in the year 1965 he lived in Ashdod, where he began to receive audiences during the lifetime of his father, 'Baba Sali'. His sons are the famous Admorim of the Abu Hatchira family, among them: the late Baba Elazar Abu Hatchira and the great Rabbi David Chai Abu Hatchira from Nahariya.

[3] pages. few stains. Good condition.

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265. Application for a medical certificate for the groom with the signature of "Baba Meir"