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Book of Protection from Epidemic with Amulets Approved and Purchased by the Kdoshim Rabbi Meir of Parmishlan and Rabbi Yisrael of Rozin, Lemberg, 1855 - Glosses

Opening price: $600

01.11.2021 07:00pm

Sha'ar HaYichudim, Tzaddik Yesod Olam and commentary on Shabbat songs, Part I, (but no further parts were printed) .from the teachings of the Ari and the greatest Kabbalists. Lemberg 1855. The book was printed by order of the Admor Rabbi Avraham of Sadigura I, the son of the Kadosh Rabbi Yisrael of Rozin: "And in the tribes of Israel I will faithfully announce that Rabbi Tzaddik is the son of kdoshim, etc., etc. Moreynu Harav Avraham Yaakov The son of the famous Tzaddik Rabbi Mofet HaDor Or Yisrael Ukdosho, Butzina Kadisha Hassida and Frisha Mo'a Yisrael MiSadigura ordered me to print the Holy Book, Sha'ar HaYichudim, also sefer sha'arey kdusha" (From the introduction to the printer). it is known that at that time an epidemic broke out and for this reason, the Rebbe of Sadigura ordered the book to be printed to save from it, and the very keeping of the book at home is capable of keeping from epidemic and as the Kadosh Rabbi Yeshayahu Shur testifies in his approval: "I agreed on the amulets and the above books (Sha'ar HaYehudim and Sha'arei Hakdusha) because they save from all evil and beneficial virtue - these amulets are tested and experienced, and the books are Kdoshim and excellent preservation at home ". And also in the approval of the Kadosh Rabbi Nehemiah of Bichov the son of the "holy Jew" from Peshisha writes: "I too will take the books and amulets because they are honorable and useful ...".
The brings it to the press (Rabbi Yehuda Leibesh Rapaport) also testifies - that the holy father of Rabbi Avraham of Sadigura - Rabbi Yisrael of Rozin bought the amulets that appear in the book for him and his righteous brothers: "also bought the amulets for him and his father the above holy saint also all his righteous brethren bought the amulets from me". And he adds in the introduction of the printer that Rabbi Yechiel Michal and Rabbi Yoel, the sons-in-law of the holy Rabbi - Rabbi Meir of Premishlan, also testified about their great father-in-law that he bought the amulets that appear in the book:"Amen and Truth how the honor of his father-in-law, the late Rabbi Tzaddik Ztzala'h, bought the amulets and said that Truth and Tzeddek, that they are very capable of every Sick and badly injured, also the rest of the righteous of the generation also testified that its Truth".
And it is also written on the title page of the book: 'And the precious of these Yihudim and holy names and protects from all evil, and here are also amulets for every bad case, fire, and plague and Epidemics coming into the world".

In the pages of the book some glosses in Sphardic writing - not recognized by us.

* Shaar HaYichudim - [and Shaar Tikun Avonot from Pri Etz Hayim by Marh'u.

* Tzaddik Yesod Olam - Commentary on the Book of Ruth according to the Kabbalah from our Rabbi HAri The first edition was printed in Polna in 1791.

* Commentary on Shabbat songs - Rabbi Yisrael's commentary on the songs of the Ar"I to Shabbat, with the songs: "Azamer Bishvahim", "Asader leseudata betzfra deshabta" and "Bnei heychalah Dicsifin".

Owners' signatures and stamps: 'Shlomo Yosef Hakim Safed, Nissim Kalfella Nahum Jerusalem'.

[2], 44, 47-58 leaves.[Page count is faulty, but the book is complete] 22 cm. Slight moth holes with slight text damage. Stains. Good-moderate condition.

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231. Book of Protection from Epidemic with Amulets Approved and Purchased by the Kdoshim Rabbi Meir of Parmishlan and Rabbi Yisrael of Rozin, Lemberg, 1855 - Glosses