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"Chesed LeAvraham". Lvov, 1860 - notes with secret inscriptions

Opening price: $100

Commission: 22%

11.04.2020 07:00pm

"Chesed LeAvraham" - Essay in the Kabbalah by Rabbi Avraham Azulay, the great-grandfather of Maran HaChida - Lvov 1860.

Among the pages of the book found two notes, in one, names for prayer and blessing, and in the other Instruction on reading Shnayim mikrah, and owners registration. On the title page is an 'Mugeh' drawing in pencil.

The author is Rabbi Avraham Azulai [1570-1643]. Born in Fez, Morocco, a disciple of Rabbi Chaim Vital in Kabbalah, also received from his son Rabbi Shmuel Vital, and was influenced by the teachings of the RMK. Following the hardships of the Jews of Fez from their Muslim neighbors, as well as famine and epidemics, he decided to immigrate to Eretz Israel. On his way, the ship sank with his writings, but he survived. As a thank to G-d he has since begun to draw his signature in the shape of a ship. Upon his arrival to Eretz Israel, he settled in Hebron. In 1619 he was forced to leave the city and move to Jerusalem, due to a plague that broke out in Hebron. After a period in Jerusalem, the plague broke out in it as well, so he left the city and moved to live around the city of Hebron for a short time, where he made a vow that if he returned to his city Hebron he would publish the Torah innovations he had written over the years. The plague did cease, and in the same year Rabbi Avraham moved temporarily to live in the city, where he wrote his books "Chesed LaAvraham" and "Ba'aley Brit Avraham" ("Remembering the Chasadim of G-d) In the city, the poet Rabbi Yisrael Najara then served as the rabbi of the Jewish community, who even wrote a short poem in honor of one of his books. In his books, he often explains and describes the spiritual virtues of the localization in the Land of Israel, and in particular in the city of Hebron.

According to the introduction of the book "Otzarot Chaim", Rabbi Azulay and Rabbi Yaakov Tzemach traveled to the tomb of Rabbi Chaim Vital in Syria, where they made yichudim until they received permission from Rabbi Chaim Vital to dig in his grave and remove his hidden writings. One of the writings that Have been removed was the book "Otzrot Hayim", which is actually a first edition of the book "Etz hayim".

59 leaves. Old cardboard covers. Good condition.

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289. "Chesed LeAvraham". Lvov, 1860 - notes with secret inscriptions