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Collection of Chassidus books, including first editions - the 1880s

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

Sold: $120
05.14.2019 07:00pm

17 Chassidus Books, including first editions.

* Arugat HaBoshem, Chidushei Aggadah on the tora, by Rabbi Moshe ben Amram Greenwald, part 1, host 1913 First edition.

* Zachota d'Avraham, sermons for the Great Sabbath and Shabbat Teshuva, anthologies on the Talmud and Maimonides by Rabbi Avraham of Teshknev, 1895, first edition.

* Arvey Nahal by Rabbi David Shlomo Eibeshitz Av Beit Din of Sorka, part one on Bereshit, early edition, missing title page, not bound.

* Ohel Naftali - Likutei Chiddushei Torah and Dear Conversations by Rabbi Naftali Zvi Horowitz of Rafshitz, Lemberg [1911]
* Ben Porat Yosef by the author of the Toldot Ya'akov Yosef - Rabbi Ya'akov Yosef of Polonnaya, Pietrekov 1884 On the book of Genesis on the path of Hasidism and secrecy. At the end of the book is a letter from the Baal Shem Tov written to his brother-in-law Rabbi Gershon Kittwer ['בר"ה שנת תק"ז עשיתי השבעת עליית הנשמה כידוע לך וראיתי דברים נפלאים במראה מה שלא ראיתי עד הנה מיום עמדי על דעתי...'].

* Ten Atarot - profound novellae and Torah teachings by the greatest Chassidut Pietrekov 1910
* Maor Eynim Chiddushim on Chassidus on the Torah by Rabbi Menachem Nachum [Twersky] of Chernobyl, Warsaw 1889.

* Tiferet Tzvi - Tzemach Hashem to Tzvi by Rebbe Zvi Hirsch of Nadvorna, Lvov [1891].

* Ner Mitzvah - Likutei Keter Shem Tov on the Matzot - The Ba'al Shem Tov's Commentaries on the Ta'amei HaTorah and Mitzvot, and the Purpose of Prayer and Study, Published by Rabbi Aharon Ben Zvi Hirsch HaCohen of Afta, Pietrekov 1910..
* כפתור ופרח by Kabbalistic articles and other sages by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac son of Avraham Dov Rosenstein, Jerusalem 1938..
* Meir's Commentaries on the tora by Rabbi Meir of Prishmilan Bartfeld 1909, Bound with Marganita Drav Meir - Likutei Torah and Hassidism by his holy handwriting, Lvov, 1926.

* Imrei MahaRazal on Shas, Shulchan Aruch and Tanach - Commentaries on Pesht and hints in the words of Daschidutah by the great Rabbi Chasida Kadisha Rabbi Shlomo Yehuda of Balechov, Grasvardien [1928]
* Meir's Commentary on the Torah and Essays on the Bible and Shas by Rabbi Meir of Parmeshalan, Davarsan [Missing Tears on Last Leaf with Completion of Pasting Paper], Bound with the Actions of the Righteous - Stories of the Wonders of the Baal Shem Tov, Warsaw, and Marganita Dr. Meir Tirp " And [1926].
* Hakhel Yitzchak by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac of Spinka, Chidushei Torah on Chassidus and Kabbalah, Part Two [Vayikra, Bamidbar, Deuteronomy] New York 1954. First Edition.

* Yitav Panim, sermons and annotations for special Sabbaths and festivals by Rabbi Yekutiel Yehuda Teitelbaum Rabbi of Sighet [author of Haitav Lev] Chust 1912.

* פסקי הסידור - including all the rulings of the prayer book of our great Rabbeinu HaAddush HaZaken Rabbi Shneur Zalman Ba'al HaTanya, edited by Rabbi Avraham Chaim Naeh, Jerusalem [1937]
. .
* Siftei Tzadik, without title page.

Various sizes and conditions, general fine condition.

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270. Collection of Chassidus books, including first editions - the 1880s