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Collection of legal documents dealing with Kollel Munkacs

Opening price: $200

Commission: 23%

Sold: $1,900
01.29.2024 07:00am

Collection of legal documents dealing with a lawsuit filed regarding appointments, guardianship and ownership of the Kollel Munkatch Hekdesh in Jerusalem. Early 1940s. Two original folders filled with documents of the prosecution, defense and relevant documents to prove the sides’ claims. Documents in Hebrew and in English.

The documents deal with a lawsuit filed by the guardians of the “Hirsh Rand Charitable Trust for Charitable Purposes, Kollel Tiferes Tzvi Congregation of Munkacs” Rabbi Mordechai Cohen and David Lieb Steiner against Rabbi Yeshaya Weiser in the Jerusalem HaShalom Court, regarding ownership of the Kollel Munkacser. Among other things, the lawsuit’s and defense arguments are brought, the court ruling, documents dealing with various appointments in the Kollel, the Kollel regulations, internal Kollel documents, various letters and many more. The trial was conducted in the 1940s and according to the materials here, the prosecution lost.

Two original folders “Kollel Munkatch Guardians” with c.100 leaves. Overall good condition.

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254. Collection of legal documents dealing with Kollel Munkacs