Auction 08 /

165  From



Colored membership certificate signed by the Rebbe of Viznitz, the "Yeshuot Moshe"

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

11.04.2020 07:00pm

Large membership certificate in a colorful lithographic print, with photographs and illustrations of the Viznitz Hasidic institutions. It was given to Rabbi Yechezkel, son of Rabbi Dov Malik, who "was privileged to be a member of a secondary society through our yeshiva." [Bnei Brak], 1962 - in the center on the right is the hand signature of the Admor Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Hagar of Viznitz.

It is interesting to note, that in the certificate photographed 'ordinary families' students from the Hasidut, and the publisher chose precisely the sage's saying:"הזהרו בבני עניים שמהם תצא תורה".

The Admor Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Hager [1916-2012] The son of the Admor Rabbi Chaim Meir Hager - the "Imrei Chaim" of Viznitz. The Fifth Rebbe of the Viznitz Chassidut. It is said that during his youth during his studies at the yeshiva he continued to study in the attic after the lights went out in the beit midrash at 11, until early in the morning when studies began at the yeshiva. And already as a young man he served as a rabbi for the followers of Viznitz in the town of Wilchowitz. In 1944, when the Nazis invaded Hungary, he fled and immigrated to Eretz Israel. Upon his arrival, he was appointed head of the Viznitz yeshiva, and in this position he assisted his father, who also survived the Holocaust, in establishing and expanding the Viznitz Hasidut. After the death of his father in 1972, he ascended his throne and for about forty years led the large congregation of the followers of Viznitz. His sons are the Admorim Rabbi Yisrael and Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hagar, Shlit'a. His sons-in-law are the Rebbe of Belz, the Rebbe of Satmar and the Rebbe of Skvira, Shlit'a.

Leaf, 47X34 cm. Slight tears in the white Margins. Reinforced on the back with paper glue. Slight peeling paint on the top left. Good condition.

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165. Colored membership certificate signed by the Rebbe of Viznitz, the "Yeshuot Moshe"