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Early antisemitic publication ridiculing the figure of the Jewish rabbi and the Jewish commandments. Leipzig, 1912 - First edition

Opening price: $200

Commission: 23%

Sold: $380
04.08.2024 07:00pm

Vom Wunderrabbi Heiteres aus anderer Weltanschauung. Mit Umschlagbild - "The Miracle Rabbi - Humorous Tales from Another Worldview" by Carl Josef, published by BIO, Leipzig 1912 - first edition. An early, extreme antisemitic publication ridiculing the figure of the Jewish rabbi and the Jewish Mitzvot.

An extremely derogatory antisemitic publication against the figure of the rabbi and the Jewish religion. The book is structured in short sections in a dialogue format between the Rabbi and a Boy (Bocher), with each section addressing a different topic through which the author expresses his contempt and ridicule of the Jewish religion on a wide variety of issues. The book's title referring to the rabbi in the derogatory term "Wunderrabbi" hints at its content. In the stories and dialogue between the rabbi and boy, there is ridicule of the Jewish rabbi figure and Jewish religious laws aimed at portraying the rabbi as a ridiculous figure who exploits his religious authority to take advantage of his community, and Judaism's laws as absurd. In a joking tone throughout, the author portrays Jewish religion as absurd - mocking Kashrut, family purity laws, Eruv, etc. and the rabbi as a two-faced figure who only appears respectable outwardly but actually exploits the status given to him within the community for his personal needs. Sections describe the rabbi giving failed advice to his community to indirectly profit financially, promising childless men prosperous offspring if they send money on time, or defective children if not enough is paid; a rabbi unable to correctly quote Bible verses; trying and failing to resurrect the dead; making promises to his community without means. The author inserts ridicule of observing Shabbat laws, mocking Kashrut laws as no longer suited to the times, and more.

Throughout the book, the style and expressions used ridicule the East European Jewish pronunciation. For example, in one of the stories about the boy who dreamed that the Angel of Death came to take him, the German word "Malchemowes" appears as in the Ashkenazi pronunciation "Malach HaMaves", and below is the translation of the word into German "Der Todesengel" - Angel of Death. In another story the expression "Jomkipper" for Yom Kippur appears in the Ashkenazi pronunciation with Tzere vowel. In another story the expression "a barking dog doesn't bite" appears with the word dog as "Kelef", also here in the Ashkenazi - Hebrew pronunciation. The expression Shabbat appears as "Schbbes", boys - "Bocher", and so on. At the end of the book are advertisements for similar books.

An antisemitic illustration of a fat rabbi and long nosed boy on the cover.

Rare. Five listings in the world catalog of libraries world cat.

VII, [2], 48, [6] p. 15 cm. Good condition.

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68. Early antisemitic publication ridiculing the figure of the Jewish rabbi and the Jewish commandments. Leipzig, 1912 - First edition