A rare entrance ticket to the exhibition “deutschland” – “Germany” No. 040736, which took place as part of the Berlin Olympics. July 18 – August 16 on the street next to the Berlin Olympic Stadium.
The ticket is divided into three parts: on the left “The ticket entitles you to a one-time visit to the Berlin exhibition 1936 “Germany”July 18 to August 16. The exhibition halls in Kizerdam are open daily from 9:00 to 20:00 … The ticket will expire at the exit of the exhibition grounds.” In the middle of the card is an entry permit for the football match that took place on August 10 as part of the Berlin Olympics. On the left, an unused lunch voucher. On the back of the card is a map showing the way to the “deutschland” exhibition that was shown not far from the stadium where the Olympics were held. The card itself is extremely rare, and especially with the unused lunch voucher, which we have not seen another example of.
The exhibition “Germany”, which was presented at the initiative of the Nazi propaganda ministry, is intended to glorify the Nordic race, and to emphasize its superiority over other races, as well as the cultural superiority of Germany, as expressed in the film “Olympia” produced by German director Lenny Riefenstahl.
25×11 cm. Very good condition.