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Joachim Prinz - Illustrated Jewish History - a copy with the author's dedication

Opening price: $150

Commission: 22%

Sold: $500
10.17.2021 07:00am

Illustrierte jüdische Geschichte (Illustrated Jewish History) by Joachim Prinz, Berlin 1933 - Copy with dedication and signature of the author. A second edition with additions that were not published in previous editions due to the changes that German Jewry underwent.

An important essay reviewing the power of Jewish Creation, accompanied by important images, in order to strengthen the Jews of Germany in their self-identity, in the face of increasing anti-Semitism. The book was published by Prinz in Germany in 1933 and is less well known than his well-known publications. In the important introduction to the book, he writes that three years have passed since the publication of the first edition of the book, but in the upheavals the world has gone through these seem like decades, especially for German Jewry, and that in this edition, he added pictures that did not appear in the first edition, As well as a special chapter on the great task facing German Jewry in difficult times.

Rabbi Joachim Prinz [1902-1988] rabbi of the liberal Berlin community, one of the leaders of German Jewry before the Holocaust and one of the leaders of American Jewry. Among, he served as president of the American Jewish Congress, vice-chairman of the World Jewish Congress and was a member of the World Zionist Organization. In 1934, Prinz published his famous book "We the Jews" (Wir Juden), which caused much controversy due to the time it was published, in which Prinz asked the Jews to fight for their self-determination, while many German Jews sought to hide it in the face of rising anti-Semitism. (A passage from the essay, taken out of context, is used by anti-Zionist campaigners and Holocaust deniers to claim that Prinz believed that the Zionist movement and the Nazi movement could talk to each other, thanks to their shared belief in "the purity of the people and race"). Prinz stated in it that following the fall of liberalism and the failure of assimilation - only Zionism could solve the problem of the Jews in the world. He began preaching to Jews to leave Germany as soon as possible. He himself remained in Germany until 1937, and was even arrested several times by the Gestapo, until he was rescued and emigrated to the United States with the help of Stephen Wise. Prinz was close to the United States Civil Rights Movement and spoke alongside Martin Luther King and others at the closing ceremony of the 1963 Washington March on Employment and Freedom (in which King delivered his speech "I Have a Dream").

231 [1] p. 25 cm. Slight tear at the top of the spine. Good condition.

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165. Joachim Prinz - Illustrated Jewish History - a copy with the author's dedication