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Netzach Yisrael - Dedication of Rosh Yeshivat Radin Rabbi Baruch Yosef Feibelson on his father's book

Opening price: $100

Commission: 22%

11.04.2020 07:00pm

Netzach Israel - Articles on Things that stand BeRumo shel Amenu by Eliyahu Meir son of Rabbi Baruch Favelzhan, Av Beit Din of Kopishak, Warsaw, 1914. On the title page is a dedication in the handwriting and signature of Rabbi Baruch Yosef Feibelzon [On his father's book] From the time he served as head of the Radin Yeshiva: "As an eternal souvenir for my noble friend, Rabbi Nissan Waxman, 17 Tevet, Radin, Baruch Yosef Favelzahn."

The Gaon Rabbi Baruch Yosef Feibelzon [1895-1933] son ​​of the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Feibelzon Av Beit Din of Kelem, and son-in-law of the Gaon Rabbi Naftali Trop - the Grana't. From a young age he was known as one of the greats of the yeshiva world in Lithuania when his name preceded him as the choice of students at the Salvodka Yeshiva and already at the age of 13 he authored a deep book. One of the closest disciples of Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Rabinowitz, Av Beit Din of Ponivez (Rabbi Itzle'h of Ponivez). In 1925 and he's about 30 years old he was appointed by Chafetz Chaim to head the yeshiva, after the death of his father-in-law Rabbi Trop. His deep lessons were well received by the young disciples, and many had high hopes on him for the yeshiva's success, but after four years fell ill and died at the age of about 38. During the war, his wife went to Siberia with her children, some of whom survived the war and immigrated to Palestine. About fifty years after his death, the book "Birkat Yosef" was published in which a considerable part of his innovations were printed. Rabbi Yaakov Kamintsky writes on him: "... which enlightened the eyes of the distinguished learners at the Radin Yeshiva, and was famous in the yeshiva world as a mighty genius and a wonderful innovator, And although he was young and died prematurely, he was considered one of the greatest heads of yeshivas at the time, and I remember his youth days at the Salvodka yeshiva, which amazed the students of the yeshiva with his sharpness, and was the most excellent disciple at the time ... ".

Bound with: 'דער וועג צו פערשטענדיגונג מיט דער ארטאדאקסיע' by Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg - Lodz, 1923, and with: 'Three Indecent Couples' by One of the Feeling Rabbis' [R 'Aharon Shmuel Timrat] - Pietarkov 1930.

Very good condition.

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261. Netzach Yisrael - Dedication of Rosh Yeshivat Radin Rabbi Baruch Yosef Feibelson on his father's book