Auction 26 /

174  From



Nuremberg The Trial of Nazi Germany - Rare booklet at the opening of the Nuremberg Trials. [November, 1945]

Opening price: $200

Commission: 23%

07.02.2024 07:00pm

Nuremberg Le proces de L'allemagne Nazie - Nuremberg The Trial of Nazi Germany - rare and special booklet issued with the opening of the Nuremberg trials. On the title page a large photomontage of Hermann Göring against the backdrop of the Nuremberg Palace of Justice (Justizpalast) where the trial took place (in Bavaria, Germany). Editing and introduction by Jacques Billiet - Director of Information Services for War Criminals. French. [Nuremberg, November, 1945].

"The Nuremberg trial which has just opened is, it must be said, an unprecedented event in the history of the world... The 26 million dead in the camps, the tens of millions of soldiers who fell in the struggle against racism, apparently did not die in vain... We must understand, once and for all, that we are not fighting fascism with words and that humanity will only be finally at peace when it has finally crushed it". (From the introductory words of the editor Jacques Billiet - Director of Information Services for War Criminals).
The booklet opens with an extensive article on the rise of the Nazi Party and the mass propaganda events that took place in Nuremberg: "In Nuremberg, Nazism took root - the Party Congress was held every year in Nuremberg. There, Hitler, in a frenzy... each time gave new goals to a fanatical people, ennobled by a false science... "the master race" against the injustice of the Treaty of Versailles against the Jews! Against Bolshevism! Against democracy! Against men! Against life! Against everything!...". This is followed by an overview of the central events with the rise of the Nazi Party to power and in the 1930s - "February 28, 1933 marked the beginning of a whole era of massacres in Germany and throughout Europe...", as well as a description of the roles and crimes of each of Hitler's closest Nazi Party leaders.

The issue is written sharply against what the Nazi ideology and its people perpetrated and it is full throughout of many photographs documenting the rise and fall of the Nazi leadership - the displays of power of the SS soldiers in Nuremberg in the 1930s, the years in which Hitler gained increasing influence, and the end on the other hand - many photographs of the defendants in the Nuremberg court - led by Hermann Göring, as well as of the judges and the proceedings in the court, photographs of the leaders of the Nazi Party during their rule in Germany, and during the trial and more. An explanation of what war crimes are appears, and what were the serious crimes committed by each of the SS leaders on trial at that time, and more.
In the center of the issue is a series of photographs of "this versus that". On the left are photographs of German boys and girls at leisure and sports events, and on the right are horrific photographs of the bodies of those who perished and were tortured at that time in the death camps. Among other things, there is a photograph of Hitler and Eva Braun with the caption: "This picture, found in Eva Braun's personal papers, shows that the greatest criminal in the universe managed to rest in peace and without remorse under the admiring and tender gaze of his beloved", and many more reflecting the full picture - the terrible crimes, and the trial that had just begun.

The Nuremberg trials were a series of trials held in the city of Nuremberg in which Nazi war criminals were tried. The main trial before the International Court against the regime leaders (the plaintiff countries v. Hermann Göring and others) and a series of 12 trials before U.S. military tribunals in which 185 people were tried, of whom 142 were found guilty. 24 of them were sentenced to death, 20 were sentenced to life imprisonment, and the rest received various prison sentences. The military trials dealt with Einsatzgruppen (United States v. Otto Ohlendorf and others), the German High Command (United States v. Wilhelm von Leeb and others), physicians, industrialists, and other categories.

Extremely rare. The booklet does not appear in the world cat library catalog (the catalog has a listing of another booklet with a similar name published that year).

22 p. 31 cm. Very good condition.

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174. Nuremberg The Trial of Nazi Germany - Rare booklet at the opening of the Nuremberg Trials. [November, 1945]