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Raubstaat England - The robber State England - An anti-British sticker album as part of Nazi propaganda -Hamburg, 1941

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

Sold: $180
02.15.2023 07:00pm

Raubstaat England - "The robber State England" - a sticker album released in Nazi Germany, attacks the British kingdom and accuses it of moral and value degradation, and slanders its internal structure and its leaders throughout its years of existence. Published by Cigaretten-Bilderdienst, Bahrenfeld, Hamburg 1941. Complete album with all 125 stickers.

A propaganda album accusing England of brutally taking over its neighbors and continents outside of Europe. It was published at the initiative of the German propagandist Friedrich Richter who was also responsible for the design of the album, in collaboration with Robert Kuhn who wrote the anti-Semitic text. The two used, among other things, materials they found in the Prussian State Library in Berlin, and the State Art Library in Berlin. On the cover is the symbol of the British kingdom next to a hand coming out of it to take over the whole world.

The purpose of the album, to justify Germany's war with the Allies, and in particular with England, while presenting the British kingdom as morally corrupt in terms of its leaders who charted the path of "belief in naval missions" described as a country whose entire goal is to take over its neighbors while turning its inhabitants into slaves. Throughout the album, England is described with various derogatory nicknames, "the English spider", "the English pirates", "the royal purse", "the British plutocracy subordinate to business interests", "the slave traders", etc. Its leaders are accused of all imaginable wrongs. The greats of the English nation over the years are presented in the album as a criminals. For example, next to a picture of John Churchill it is written: "A general of the highest rank with a dubious reputation, commanded the English armies on the continent during the War of the Spanish Succession [1701-1714] which was mostly composed of German soldiers." About Oliver Cromwell it was written: "The Dictator of England... continued the plundering policy of the Kings... planned to expel Spain from all America, but won only Jamaica...", and so on.

As the Nazis were used to, the Jews are also blamed for the English connection, and an extensive chapter is dedicated to British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, during whose reign India was conquered as part of the kingdom's imperial ambitions that were combined with the Jews' ambition to take over the world - a charge that was repeated again and again in the writings of the Nazi propagandists. One of the stickers depicts Disraeli as 'Moses in Egypt' next to a pyramid, through which he held the 'key to India'. On another page there is a photograph of an English soldier in Palestine and the caption: "England's face in Palestine: In 1916 England promised the country to the Arabs, in 1917 to the Jews, when in practice it was for economic and strategic reasons - to supply oil from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean Sea and to protect the Suez Canal! They themselves wanted to be the rulers here". Towards the end of the album there are photographs taken from the time of the Second World War itself in which the terrible actions of the English are supposedly visible.

Complete album - all 125 stickers are affixed to the album. Stickers of different sizes, some in color and black and white. The stickers were distributed in the cigarette boxes to complete the album by the buyers.

129 p. 31 cm. Cracks in the cover. The body of the album is in very good condition.

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49. Raubstaat England - The robber State England - An anti-British sticker album as part of Nazi propaganda -Hamburg, 1941