Auction 15 /

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Rescue of Hungarian Jewry during the Holocaust - Correspondence between representatives of the British government and the heads of the Jewish Agency, and more - copies of the Judge Moshe Landau

Opening price: $250

Commission: 22%

Sold: $400
04.04.2022 07:00pm

23 leaves in stencil print with testimonies and correspondence about the extermination of Hungarian Jewry, and the attempt to save it. On most pages there is correspondence between the heads of the British government and the heads of the Jewish Agency regarding the attempts to save Hungarian Jewry in 1944, and the possibility of the bombing of the death camps. At the top of four pages is the signature of the head of the tribunal in the Eichmann trial, Judge Moshe Landau. Apparently the pages before us stood before him during the Eichmann trial.

Among the documents that appear: a transcript of a conversation between Chaim Weizmann while serving as president of the Zionist Organization, and Anthony Eden - British Foreign Secretary during World War II about the attempts to save Hungarian Jewry - July 1944, remarks answered by A.W.G. RANDALL from the British Foreign Office to Moshe Sharett regarding the search for survivors in Hungary, a letter from the British politician Richard Law to Dr. Chaim Weizmann regarding the possibility of taking over the death camps to stop the massacre of Jews - September 1944, A printed letter from Chaim Weizmann to Anthony Eden regarding the granting of Turkish visas to refugees from Hungary, evidence of the extermination of Hungarian Jews in Birkenau - including numerical data on the murdered Jews, pages discussing the possibility of bombing the death camps and the price the Jews will pay for their deaths, a letter from the British j.m.martin to Chaim Weizmann promising that the British government is doing everything in its power to prevent the persecution of Hungarian Jewry - October 30, 1944, an interesting document revealing negotiations between the Geneva government and the Gestapo regarding the possible liberation of Jews - July 1944, and more.

Moshe Landau [1912-2011] Judge of the Supreme Court from 1953–1982 and its fifth president. Members of the Agranat Committee, the head of the court at the Eichmann trial. The judge who sentenced the Nazi criminal Adolf Eichmann to death, and left his mark on the most historic and important trial of the Jewish people. Witnesses who appeared before him during the Eichmann trial told of a judge who made them tell the stories of the atrocities they went through. "He asked the witnesses provocative questions with the clear aim of publishing the truth, getting the witnesses to speak and tell the stories of the atrocities that took place in the ghettos", told Mordechai Ansbacher, who testified at the Eichmann trial on May 12, 1961. Former Supreme Court President Meir Shamgar mourned his death: "The Eichmann trial is a point that expressed the greatness of someone who was willing to serve in a position that required patience, forbearance and intelligence, despite the horrible picture that unfolded before his eyes. The way he conducted the trial was exemplary." Landau symbolically passed away on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day on May 1, 2011.

[23] leaves. Stencil printing. Very good condition.

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77. Rescue of Hungarian Jewry during the Holocaust - Correspondence between representatives of the British government and the heads of the Jewish Agency, and more - copies of the Judge Moshe Landau