Auction 26 /

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Roosevelt. Antisemitic publication in Serbia against Roosevelt and the Jewish connection. [Early 1940s]

Opening price: $200

Commission: 23%

07.02.2024 07:00pm

"Roosevelt" - An antisemitic publication with color caricatures mocking President Roosevelt. A biting text accusing Roosevelt of taking the United States into World War II in order to hand over power and money to the Jews. The booklet was published in Serbia during World War II. Without publisher or printer name, [early 1940s]. Serbian. Extremely rare.

A booklet of caricatures mocking the President of the United States Franklin Roosevelt. Alongside caricatures of Roosevelt and the Jews his collaborators depicted as his close friends who he decided to go to war for their interests, there is antisemitic text claiming he will pay dearly for joining the war, and that his and the Jews' end will be to lose it.

The booklet opens with the passage: "Franklin Delano Roosevelt, president, billionaire, corrupt politician, deceiver and political charlatan is a symbol of the American aspiration for world supremacy. He ran in the election with the slogan that America must stay out of this war, and since then he has not missed an opportunity to drag it into war, and eventually did so. The American people, who erected the Statue of Liberty in New York, a city ruled by Jewish banks , entered a harsh and cruel war, unprepared spiritually and materially, and is paying dearly for the rule of its president...after an endless series of strikes, crises, revolutions, labor unrest, bankruptcies. By corruption, Roosevelt finally managed to base his policies on Jewish capital and American imperialism. With Roosevelt in power, world Jewry, after its position in anti-capitalist Russia, also established its power in capitalist America... unaware of it, Roosevelt surrounded himself with Jewish collaborators and with speeches, figures, plans, calculations, ... he frightened the world...There were even people who believed him...". Alongside this passage is an illustration showing Roosevelt at the center surrounded by Jews with long noses and stereotypical faces whispering in his ear conspiratorially.

Later alongside caricatures depicting how Roosevelt is losing control of America itself, he is accused that the decision to join the war was rooted in a desire to take over European money: "Since he pushed America into war, President Roosevelt is writing the saddest pages in its history... It allowed the Roosevelt-Jewish plot to deliver Europe, the center of culture and civilization, to the mercies of Bolshevism, in order to seize all property. Wealth for the high priests of money, but the battles in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans show how flawed these calculations were".

Further on alongside caricatures of Roosevelt next to his Jewish "advisors", depicted with stereotypical faces, it states: "Roosevelt will never be able to win the war...Gold is spilled in America, but wars are won with blood. Mercenaries who died for money are gradually disappearing. There are still few countries where Jews can buy soldiers. One day it will be America's turn. But history does not repeat itself twice. America and its president will no longer dictate the kind of peace in which they will most easily profit from the money invested in this war. Roosevelt, carried away, obsessive and convinced, played a bad hand for his party, and the loss must be paid by his people, those people who elected him president... and when he finds himself one day before the people's court, how will that bribed, corrupt and oblivious justify the millions of graves he sowed around the world in order to win gold and supremacy for the Jews... Franklin Delano Roosevelt".

Extremely rare. Not listed in the world cat library catalog.

[7] pages. Open tear at the top of the booklet on all pages with minor damage to the caricatures appearing at the top of the page. Moderate condition.

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64. Roosevelt. Antisemitic publication in Serbia against Roosevelt and the Jewish connection. [Early 1940s]