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secret Letter - Practical Guidance on the Secret of Virtues and Amulets from the Heads of the Kabbalistic Yeshiva of "Sukkat David" - were given to Rabbi Shalom Leib Aryeh son of Rabbi Aharon. Jerusalem 1893

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

Sold: $260
01.22.2020 07:00pm

"In honor of the complete sage, a very honorable and wise man, and believe in the words of the Sages by peace and goodness and blessings, and all kinds of abundance and success and spirit will come and come from us, the owners of the yeshiva 'Sukat David' and from me that signed above in honor of Rabbi Shalom Leib Aryeh Ben Aharon ... " - A secret handwritten letter from the head of the Kabbalist Yeshiva 'Sukkat David', with detailed about the secret of the amulets, and instructions on how to use them to successfully in the superior business. Jerusalem 1893.

In the beginning, the writer opens with a detailed explanation of how the miracle works, and who should do it a miracle, and how the miracle force can break the very laws of nature : "And here it is known to all understanders and educators that the virtues and actions do not work miraculously and spiritually, but above nature ... that the stipulation of G-d's condition with nature in the creation of the world to go away from his merit ... ". The writer goes on to elaborate on the conditions that virtues and actions need in order to act: "You will also know that these matters of virtue do not work, but when the person humbles his action and his virtue and his actions and does not inform anyone he is acting in actions and virtues ... ". The writer goes on to describe the practical tutorials on using the amulet for success: "And first of all, I have to warn you about looking at the letters written in the plate and the mascot, because looking at the eye of other Except the writer, attracts and sabotages their spirituality ... . " Also details about the importance of giving charity to the miracle success: "You have nothing to control the miracle and reject nature as the act of charity and especially if it is given out of urgency ... ". Towards the end of the letter, the writer adds explicit sections on how to behave with the mascot and the spell in order to succeed in his business:
"And here I wrote to him how many times the business must wear the amulet and the plate, or he or his delivery ... Even when reading fate, the spell I wrote in his honor should be said and do as I did in his honor. 'A. The amule and the name should bear the messenger in the passing of the money. B. When to wear them, during any business you deserve to earn from, and when given the money... D. The partnership is harmful".
And concludes : 'And I also prepare myself ask for mercy and to pray at the Western Wall with the members of a whole quorum for his success and G-d receives our prayer.'

Towards the end it was written: "I also found and exemplified these tremendous actions and virtues that sometimes they are late for up to three months, and up to six, for a year or so thereafter, he certainly would not have the right to be of use to him."

Although at the beginning, the writer wrote: "The undersigned", actuallyhe did not sign his name on the end of the letter.

[3] p. 21 cm. Clear manuscript. Very good condition.

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277. secret Letter - Practical Guidance on the Secret of Virtues and Amulets from the Heads of the Kabbalistic Yeshiva of "Sukkat David" - were given to Rabbi Shalom Leib Aryeh son of Rabbi Aharon. Jerusalem 1893