Auction 19 /

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The Emperor, the Magician, and the Jews - a particularly harsh anti-Semitic publication. Riga, 1943

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

Sold: $420
02.15.2023 07:00pm

KEISER, VOLUR JA JUUDID - The Emperor, the Magician, and the Jews, by Verner Gruehn. Published by OTTO PELLE, Riga (Adolf Hitler Street), 1943. An anti-Semitic publication in the spirit of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'.

An anti-Semitic publication in the midst of World War II accusing the "Eternal Jew" of imperialism, and of creating conflicts between the nations in order to cause war, with the aim of getting rich at their expense and enjoying their downfall, and in particular at the outbreak of the World War. The writer bases his claims on the anti-Semitic essay "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and adds to what is written there texts he supposedly found among Jews in the spirit of what was written in the "Protocols". The author recommends his readers to read the book several times in order to master the "Jewish thinking" and the devious ways of the Jew in taking over the minds of world leaders. The author describes a Jewish conspiracy headed by a peasant named Rasputin, who managed to get what he wanted by taking over the minds of all the high-ranking people, and even managed to take over the mind of Emperor Nicholas himself, and blames the Jews for the overthrow of the Russian Empire, and claims that the exact same methods of action were taken the Jews in order to cause the outbreak of World War II. Venomous publication full of hatred, and hatred for Jews wherever they are. On the cover is an illustration of a Jew with a stereotypical face with many hands lurking behind the emperor's back, threatening to overthrow his kingdom.

Rare. Does not appear in the world catalog of libraries "world cat".

194 p. Minor cracks and stains on the cover. Good condition.

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47. The Emperor, the Magician, and the Jews - a particularly harsh anti-Semitic publication. Riga, 1943