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The Nuremberg Trial - Germany before her judges - a booklet that came out in the midst of the Nuremberg Trials, to prove the guilt of the entire German people in the crimes of Nazi Germany

Opening price: $300

Commission: 23%

Sold: $750
09.04.2023 07:00pm

The Nuremberg Trial Germany Before Her Judges by E. Rubin, published by Transaatlantic Authors, London 1945 - first edition. Illustrated pamphlet accusing the entire German people (and not just the war criminals on trial at the time) of the crimes of Nazi Germany as part of a long-standing ingrained ideology. Cover with illustration of a German officer holding a blood-stained knife against a backdrop of corpses scattered on the ground, and the caption: “Cain, Cain, where is your brother Abel?" design by E.D. Extremely Rare.

The pamphlet was published while the Nuremberg trials were still underway before the verdict against the criminals. In the introduction the author writes that the trial is the trial of the entire German people and not just against the 24 German criminals. "The entire German nation stands before its judges", and why, because all those parties that opposed the Nazi Party in the 1933 elections - Communists, Social Democrats, and Catholics, all disappeared when Hitler's regime began to rule: "In silence, passive assistance, and active assistance they allowed Hitler and the other criminals to start the inferno on earth... No rebellion, no civil war was waged against Hitler at that time", and just 3 years later, 90% of the German population already voted for Hitler. "Is there any need for further proof of the willingness of the German masses to go anywhere with Hitler?" He further writes that this dangerous misconception must be destroyed through the Nuremberg trials, and with it the worldview of the Aryan “master race” will also disappear.

In order to illustrate that the lust for murder and lies is a characteristic of the German people in the distant (ancient Germans) and recent (Germany during World War I) past and present (Nazi Germany), the pamphlet is designed so that every two pages present: on the right, an illustration depicting the murderous German nature in the distant and recent past, and beside it an illustration showing how nothing has changed, by that same nature the Germans committed the crimes in World War II. For example, the first illustration shows the German people's murderous lust since ancient times under the headline: "2,000 years ago" appears a painting in which ancient Germans are seen with a blood-dripping knife and the caption: “The Roman historian Tacitus describes how the ancient Germans slaughtered their prisoners of war in honor of the Germanic god Wotan”, and beside it an illustration showing how the German nature has not changed "to this day" - the Germans execute hundreds of American POWs during the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944. On another page, left: "100 years ago: Julius Caesar, based on his experience... expressed his opinion of the ancient Germans in simple words: "murderers and cattle thieves", and an illustration of an ancient German threatening helpless people with a knife, and on the right: “Still today – an illustration of a Nazi soldier shooting innocent people and the caption: “Germans always remain the robbers and thieves”. On another page an illustration showing the bombing of Rheims Cathedral in 1918, and on the right the burning of synagogues in Germany and Austria in 1938. Another page presents the book burning by the Germans in 1914, alongside the book burning by the Nazis in 1938, the murder of Belgians in World War I, and sending the Jews to the gas chambers in World War II, and so throughout the pamphlet two illustrations side by side demonstrate how that same old Germany, of generations past, and of 100 years ago, is the same Nazi Germany of World War II, with the same mode of action, the same murderous lust, the same wickedness, the same duplicity.

Extremely Rare. Does not appear in the worldwide library catalog WorldCat.

48 p. 23 cm. Cardboard binding with original illustrated dust jacket. Light tear at upper part of the jacket. Overall good condition.

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130. The Nuremberg Trial - Germany before her judges - a booklet that came out in the midst of the Nuremberg Trials, to prove the guilt of the entire German people in the crimes of Nazi Germany