Auction 05 /

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The Ostrowza Admoras - Photos

Opening price: $100

Sold: $100
04.01.2020 07:00pm

Three photographs of the Holy Admorim - The Rebbe's of Ostrowza.

* Two photographs of the Holy Rebbe Rabbi Meir Yechiel Halevi Holstock the founder of the Ostrovzeh Hasidic [1851-1928 became known for his asceticism and celibacy. It is said that he Used to fasted for forty years, breaking his fast only during the nights at a meager meal. he conferred with many of his great generation, such as "Sefat emat" rabbi Haim Halberstam, etc. His wonderful knowledge of astronomy and mathematics attracted non-Jewish scientists from the Polish academy who consulted him on questions. Served as the rabbi Of Ostrovza for 39 years, died in Adar 19. 1928, and was buried in the cemetery there. He was replaced by his son Rabbi Yechezkel of Ostrowza.

* Photograph of the Holy Rebbe Rabbi Yehezkel Halevi of Ostrovza - the second Rebbe [1887-1942] son ​​of the Rebbe Rabbi Yechiel Halevi Holstock. During the occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany in September 1939, he stayed in Warsaw. When the mass murder of Jews began he came with a quorum of Jews to the tombstone of his father, and put a note there asking his father to stand before G-d and ask for pity for Kalal Israel that was in danger. In the midst of the killings, he and his followers collected the Torah scrolls from the city's synagogues and buried them. The Germans abused him and shaved half his beard. As the Nazis searched for him, his followers fled him to Sandomierz. On Tevet 1942, the Gestapo demanded the surrender the Rebbe, otherwise 200 of the town's Jews would be burned and the lives of thousands more would be in danger. In response, he said: "I would be better of the victim of the crowd and not vice versa".He went to the mikvah and at dawn he said Selichot and confession and prepared to die on kidush HaShem. At 10 on Tevet at nine in the morning, the Nazis executed him and shot him dead near the synagogue wall, calling Shema Israel .Twenty Jews who offered themselves to die instead of him, were forced to dig a mass grave for themselves, and were shot inside. The Holy Rebbe of Ostrovza was brought to the tomb of Israel and about a month later his seven children were also murdered G-d will bleed.

Same size: 9x14 cm. Good - very good - condition.

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133. The Ostrowza Admoras - Photos