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The righteous Rabbi Arie Levin - three letters of condolence

Opening price: $120

Sold: $260
04.01.2020 07:00pm

Three letters of condolence in the handwriting and signature of the righteous Rabbi Arie Levin.

A letter of condolence from Nissan [1962] in the death of the mother of Irgun member Esther Raziel Naor, the wife of Mordechai Naor. In his letter, Rabbi Aryeh Levin asks the family to grow stronger and not mourn the Passover holiday, although their mother passed away, and tells an interesting story about Rabbi Yitzchak Cheshin (the grandfather of the Supreme Court Judge), who at the time assumed a righteous wife named Rachel Leah and seven children, and also died before pesach. The family prepared everything necessary for pesach, and on the Seder, the mother called her children and told them that in the first year the soul of the deceased was rising and falling, and to rejoice the soul of the deceased demanded that should be happy and singing and very cautioned them about this. He adds: "This remains a sacred memory for me throughout my life", and also requires from Naor family to do so in Passover during their mother's death.

Letter of condolence sent to the daughters of Mordechai Naor, member of the Irgun organization Esther Raziel Naor, and her sister Pnina - Shvat [1962]. In his letter, Rabbi Aryeh Levin apologizes for having thought of coming to comfort but was unable to do so because of his health. And much praised about the deceased: ' ... A kosher person is so unusual in the world that the tears that go down on his departure are also made for things that are above all cost, so they are placed in G-d treasure. We do not have the right estimate Appreciate a straight man, a smart student, Some adventures went through him ... ".

A condolence letter sent to Mordechai Naor on the death of his wife in Bluma. "Menachem Evley Zion and Evley Jerusalem He will comfort my dearly beloved Rabbi 'Mordechai Raziel ... there is no dead woman but her husband ... But hereby it can be strengthened and comforted that B'A left behind an exemplary straight generation in the love of Israel and the Land of Israel to a sincere devotion of the soul according to the Torah and the tradition .... ".

3 letters. Same size: 15x24 cm. Very good condition.

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302. The righteous Rabbi Arie Levin - three letters of condolence