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The Secret of the Rise of the Soul, the Secret of Souls Going Down into the World, and the Reincarnation - Handwritten leaf of the great sage of Yemen Rabbeinu Shalom Shabazi

Opening price: $800

Commission: 22%

06.17.2020 07:00pm

Deep innovations regarding the secret of the soul and the Reincarnation - Handwritten leaf of the great sage of Yemen Rabbeinu Shalom Shabazi - HaRashas'h Zi'a- from 'Hemdat Yamim'. Mid 17th

On the leaf before us, the Rshas'h explains the matter of souls comes to the world after their passing, ['A question, Rabbi Akiva who said: from Yom Kippur to Yom Kippur the body of the righteous is wandering as well as from Shabbat night to Shabbat night, and Shabbat and Yom Kippur are rest day ...] Dressing the soul in the body for the righteous, the Reincarnation, matters related to the human soul before his death, four names of the soul, the wheels, why the soul is called 'single', and other matters on the secret way.

The kabbalist Rabbi Shalom Shabazi - HaRashash' [1619 - 1686 ccording to the tradition of the Jews of Yemen died in 1710]. Geon HaGeonim who had great hands in all parts of the Torah, Mishna and Gemara, midrashim and Halachah, and was also famous for his great power in the wisdom of the Kabbalah, and he performed miracles in practical Kabbalah. was born in the village of Najd al-Walid near Ta'iz to his father Rabbi Yosef Mashta. He used to travel to Sana'a, the capital of Yemen, to negotiate with the sages of the city in the Torah. then settled in the city of Shabaz, near tahaz, hence his nickname al-Shabazi , as he writes in his book, "I am the youngest of the authors, Shalem Birab, Yosef Yisrael, is known by the name of my family from Bnei Mishata and after the town of El Shabazi." He later left his home town of Szab and settled in tahaz, where he built a synagogue and a mikveh that were famous for their virtues after his death.

Many stories of miracles were connected to him, such as the testimony of Rabbi Ya'akov Sapir in his book Even Sapir: "Every Sabbath eve he became a miracle of the leap of the land and came to the Land of Israel to strike there, once in Jerusalem once in Tiberias once in Acre or Hebron And after the end of the Sabbath he returned to his country'. Rabbi Shmuel Yosef Adani, one of the great sages of the city of Eden in Yemen, wrote about him [in his book 'Nachalat Yosef']: 'Great generations ... We will also wonder about the knightly poet who appeared in the great city of Sana'a for about three hundred years, Is the man who was chosen by G-d, who is familiar with all the secrets of the Torah, and all the depth of halachah, and it is unbelievable that a private person whose life is fixed will be composed as Songs and other seforim, the words will be astonished and wonder how wise and how great rabbi, because this enlightened rabbi composed about three thousand nice songs and piyutim, and how deep his heart and deep understanding are in the mysteries of concealment, and if you deepen his understanding, you will see how humble he is as the old Hillel, For this sar shalom, the man is more humble than almost any person like Moshe rabeynu, the choice of all creatures ...". A remarkable phenomenon is connected to the tomb of Rabbi Shalom Shabazi in the city of Ta'iz, which was sanctified by both the Jews and the Muslim Yemenites.

His most important book is 'Hemdat Yamim' on the Torah. Which he founded on the Parde"s way - Pshat, Remez, Drash, Sod, who wrote when he was only twenty-seven years old - But the importance of the book and his kindness in his eyes was repeated and edited Countless times. He also wrote a halachic commentary on the laws of ritual slaughter for the Rambam, and books of various virtues such as the Book of Margolis, Takhlal mashta Shazbi, and more.


The Rashash wrote and corrected and repeated the manuscript, and a number of manuscripts of the composition are known. the manuscript before us is from the last and revised edition of the composition, which includes glosses and additions by the author in "windows", which begin with the Words 'ת"ט - 'תוספת טעם'.

[1] leaf. Written on both sides. very fine condition.

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215. The Secret of the Rise of the Soul, the Secret of Souls Going Down into the World, and the Reincarnation - Handwritten leaf of the great sage of Yemen Rabbeinu Shalom Shabazi