Auction 09 /

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Torah innovations in Kabbalah about the virtue of Hitbodedut in the handwriting of the holy shoemaker

Opening price: $180

Sold: $200
01.11.2021 07:00pm

Commentary on the Zohar article hints to the virtue of Hitbodedut (solitude) in the holy handwriting of Rabbi Moshe Yaakov Ravikov - 'The Holy Shoemaker'. Two pages.

Innovations according to the secret regarding what is said in the Zohar: "ז' הבלים הינון וזכאה מאן דלא נטיל אגרייהו בהאי עלמא" - the shoemaker opens his commentary with the words: "This article is very wonderful sentence" and explains that the wonderful article alludes to "those who chose the degrees of solitude", in the secret of "Umin HaMikdash lo Yetzeh" (from the temple did not come out), That is, from its sanctuary, and if they had to go out, they would run like an arrow.

The Holy Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Ya'akov Ravikov [1873-1967], "The Holy Shoemaker" disciple of the Leshem owner, a well-known tzaddik and an activist of salvation. In Elul 1913 Immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in Kfar Uriah. Rabbi Kook, who was then a rabbi of Jaffa and the colonies, persuaded him to move to the city of Jaffa. The beginning of his publication in the country was by Rabbi Kook who testified him that he was one of the 36 hidden righteous man of the generation. and then, Jews began to visit his home asking for his blessing, especially on medical matters, barrenness and marriage. After the Hazon Ish was encouraged him to go out of from his privacy he became public, and many visited his home daily, were blessed and saw salvation.

[2] p. 17x10 cm. Very good condition.

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267. Torah innovations in Kabbalah about the virtue of Hitbodedut in the handwriting of the holy shoemaker