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A letter from the great Rabbis of Safed, headed by the Ridba'z - to Rabbi Nissim Danon who was sent to Beirut for the city's institutions

Opening price: $350

Commission: 22%

04.04.2022 07:00pm

A letter of Demand for the safety of Rabbi Nissim Danon, who was sent on a mission by the great rabbis of Safed to Beirut for the benefit of the holy institutions in the city of Safed, and was late returning, and it was not even known what happened to him. handsome scribal script and the signatures of the geniuses who demand his safety: the Ridba'z (ink stamp, and the stamp of his name in handwriting), Rabbi Yosef son of Rabbi Kanwitz the son-in-law of the Ridba'z, and at the back of the letter added words and signed Rabbi Yisrael Leib Brachir.

The Gaon Rabbi Yaakov David Wilowski - The Ridba'z [1845-1913], one of the greatest of the generation and its leaders. Even in his youth he was known as an extremely Talmid Chacham. At the age of twenty-three, he was elected rabbi of Izblin, and published his book, Migdal David, in 1874. Two years later he was appointed rabbi in Bobruisk and published his book Hannah David, and in 1890 he began to serve as rabbi of Slutsk. In 1903 he moved to the United States in order to strengthen Judaism there and was appointed rabbi in Chicago. In 1905 he immigrated to Eretz Israel and settled in Safed, where he founded a yeshiva where about a hundred students studied. The Ridba'z planned to bring to Safed a large group of yeshiva students from Lithuania who would study in particular the writings of the genius from Vilna, but this plan did not fulfill. Among his many essays are Nimukey HaRidbaz, and a commentary on the Jerusalemi Talmud in its entirety.

The Gaon Rabbi Yosef Kanwitz [1878-1944] - son-in-law of the Ridba'z. Was the Rabbi of several cities in Lithuania and the United States. In 1906, his father-in-law, the Ridbaz, who had meanwhile settled in Safed and established a large Yeshiva there, informed him that it had been decided to accept him as rabbi of the Ashkenazi community in Safed, as a Dayan in the municipal court and as a rabbi in his father-in-law's yeshiva. He immigrated from Lithuania to Eretz Israel with his wife and began serving in his positions.

[2] pages. 28x22 cm. Official stationery of the Ridba'z. Filing holes. Good condition.

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211. A letter from the great Rabbis of Safed, headed by the Ridba'z - to Rabbi Nissim Danon who was sent to Beirut for the city's institutions