Auction 19 /

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A letter on behalf of the 'Committee of the Families of Detainees and Political Prisoners in Eretz Israel and Kenya' - Early signature of Menachem Begin

Opening price: $150

Commission: 22%

Sold: $200
02.15.2023 07:00pm

"Committee of the Families of Detainees and Political Prisoners in Eretz Israel and Kenya" - a letter printed in a stencil to the president of the members of Hapoel HaTziyoni Tel Aviv - Eretz Israel. Condemned: An urgent demand for the immediate release of the detainees and prisoners in Atlit, and those deported in exile in Kenya, about a month before the declaration of independence. At the top of the first page is an early signature of Menachem Begin and another word: "For your reference, M. Begin". April 5, 1948.

In their moving letter written on behalf of thousands of relatives - fathers, women, children, and of the detainees and political prisoners in Eretz Israel and in the Kenyan diaspora, the committee details the situation of nearly a hundred Jews who were tried under "emergency laws" by military courts, which were promised that they would receive pardon, upon cancellation The British mandate, but this was not done. The committee also details the fate of 260 Jews who were found at the time in the Gilgil detention camp in Kenya, some of whom had been in detention for 7-8 years - these detainees were never brought to trial, and no real charges were presented to them. "Among them are many patients with serious illnesses." Also detailed is the situation of the nearly 350 Jewish prisoners found in the Atlit camp, which immediately after the UN decision on Hebrew independence, all Jewish prisoners were in danger, since they were all concentrated in Arab territory (Acre, Bethlehem, and Latrun). The committee presents A clear demand: "Understanding the anxiety of the mothers, fathers, women and children for the fate of the prisoners and detainees in Israel and in the diaspora... We mean first and foremost to a political, Jewish, solution to the problem of the exiles, the detainees in Israel and the political prisoners. The Zionist movement, on the brink of Hebrew independence, must raise its voice against the barbaric "law" of removing political prisoners from the homeland...", and demand that: "The Zionist Working Committee should oblige the management of the agency and its political department in Israel and its representatives in Israel" to immediately appoint a special official who, together with "for our prisoners" and together with the families of the detainees and prisoners, will work for a quick solution to the problem of the detainees and political prisoners in Israel and in exile even before the elimination of the British mandate in Israel. The release of the detainees and political prisoners in Israel and in exile."

In May 1948, the British mandate over the Land of Israel ended. The massive activity of the families committee with the help of Menachem Begin who commanded the Etzal succeeded, and about a month later, most of the prisoners were released shortly after the declaration of the state.

[3] leaves 33x21 cm. Stencil printing. The pages are reinforced with adhesive paper on the back along the fold line in the center of the page. Good condition.

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119. A letter on behalf of the 'Committee of the Families of Detainees and Political Prisoners in Eretz Israel and Kenya' - Early signature of Menachem Begin