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A special prayer order for the success of the marriage of Wilhelmina Queen of the Netherlands, Sh'vat 1901

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

Sold: $150
05.08.2023 07:00pm

Programma van den BUITENGEWWONEN DIENST TE HOUDEN ... HARE MAJESTEIT KONINGIN WILHELMINA VAN HARE MAJESTEIT KONINGIN WILHELMINA MET Z.H. HERTOG HENDRIK VAN MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN - Special prayer order for the success of the marriage of Wilhelmina Queen of the Netherlands with the Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, February 9, 1901.

Mizmor LeToda, Lecha Hashem Ribon HaOlamin - Special prayer for the success of the Queen's marriage which took place two days earlier: "לך ה'... אשר תשגיח בחסד וברחמים... עלי יום חתנת ושמחת לב גברתנו המלכה ווילהעלמינא יר"ה [ירום הודה]... וחלינו פניך להיות לה ולאישה השר המרומם... יהיו כעץ שתול על פלגי מים אשר פריו יתן בעתו... בימיה תושע יהודה וישראל ישכון לבטח, ישב איש תחת גפנו ותחת תאנתו...". and continues - LeShlomo El-kim Mishpatecha, HaNoten Teshua LeMelachim, and Hallelu E-l BeKodsho.

Wilhelmina Queen of the Netherlands, was the most popular and beloved queen in the Dutch monarchy. She was a passionate supporter of the Jewish community, and many Jews from all Israel communities participated in her wedding (over 300,000 people in total stood on the streets of The Hague to watch the procession). Especially notable was the story of the Jewish gentleman David Cohen, who was invited to participate in the private reception held at the royal palace on the wedding day. The queen approached him and surprised him when she began speaking to him fluently in Hebrew. Cohen later wrote that it was one of the most memorable moments of his life! Throughout her reign, Queen Wilhelmina supported the Jewish community, appointing Jews to high-ranking positions in her government and even spoke out against anti-Semitism on numerous occasions, she also provided assistance to Jews, especially during the Nazi occupation in World War II. During her wedding year, Wilhelmina established the "Queen Wilhelmina Fund" dedicated to providing financial aid to needy Jews - a historic extraordinary initiative among European monarchs.

7 pages. 23 cm. light stain in the upper corner of the booklet pages. Good Condition.

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22. A special prayer order for the success of the marriage of Wilhelmina Queen of the Netherlands, Sh'vat 1901