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A Unique interview with the Prosecutor General in Eichmann trial - Mr. Gideon Hausner - conducted in the midst of the trial, before the verdict

Opening price: $180

Commission: 22%

01.22.2020 07:00pm

A Unique interview with who served as the Prosecutor General and Attorney General in the trial of the murder Adolf Eichmann - Mr. Gideon Hausner. The interview was conducted in the midst of the trial, prior to sentencing, and is scheduled to be published in the New Year's issue of the Guish Herald. The only interview given by Hausner during the trial. Written by Yehuda Eisenstark of Jerusalem. Historical document. Typewriter printing.

In the interview, Hausner relates, among other things, to the vast amount of evidence available to him that included, thousands of documents from the US military archive whose total weight reached 330 tons (the prosecution team had to study a tremendous amount of archival material. Hausner delved into the thick volumes of Nuremberg legal transcripts and the extensive Holocaust literature. For that he Closed itself in the Sharon Hotel in Herzliya for six weeks "in complete isolation", with material that filled two cars packed with books and folders).

Hausner, refers to a turnaround in the public opinion as to the very occurrence of the Holocaust as a result of the survivors' testimony: "The very concentration of the material around the defendant created a new picture. So far, all things about the Holocaust and extermination have been "dead", they were in the documents as written or recorded... However, this is the first time added to the documents recorded by the defendants' interrogation a vivid word of the witnesses - The witnesses - people who went through everything on their meat... People who were rescued from death trains, from crematoriums, from graves - from death itself ... For the first time in the history of humanity there was a word from the victims of the planned extermination that no one believed in its existence. All the news that came about the extermination of the Jews, their deportation to death camps, the experiments, the gas stoves and more - were treated with skepticism. Humanity could not and might not want to believe that such a thing exists. "

Hausner was asked about Eichmann's denials of his part in the extermination of the Jews, and replied that they are all false and that the man serving as the head of the Jewish department in Gestapo, gave orders in connection with the transfer of Jews to the extermination camps, as well as planned transfers of Jews from different countries, such as various records that appear In the Wanza protocol and in Zassen's book, "all of these prove that Adolf Eichmann did not act within the "blind" fulfillment of the orders he supposedly received from the superiors.

As to the question: 'Are you going to demand a death sentence? ' Hausner responded with a smile: "It is too early to talk about my demand for a verdict at all ... When the court finds him guilty, only then can I ask for a verdict - and what a verdict, of course, it is a secret and I cannot answer that question." With regard to the historical value of the trial, Hausner replied: "It is now difficult to estimate its historical value. We are in the midst of the trial and we lack the perspective ..."

At the end of the interview, Eisenhark Writing on his personal feelings: 'I said goodbye to the attorney general and the prosecutor of this historical trial that brought to the world one of the most horrible and horrible episodes of humanity ... And walking away from his home in Jerusalem I was amazed at the prosperity of the prosecutor who became similar to one of the survivors of the extermination camp. A man - when his eyes are burning ... in his eyes you could read as one of the documents did to the Jewish people that for his honoring he fought ... When in the glass chamber in front of him - The accused, Followed by millions of victims, which Hausner became Their mouths and Their prosecutor ... '.

3 p. 27 cm. Filing holes. A few minor tears at the edges. Good condition.

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83. A Unique interview with the Prosecutor General in Eichmann trial - Mr. Gideon Hausner - conducted in the midst of the trial, before the verdict