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An official report on the 'Hadassa Convoy' disaster - May 1948 - submitted about a month after the disaster

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

Sold: $240
02.15.2023 07:00pm

An official report on the 'Hadassa Convoy' disaster which was submitted by S. Horowitz to Dr. D.V. Senator - the administrator of the Hebrew University on 5/9/1948, about a month after the disaster. About 80 typewriter printed pages include extensive detail - testimony of survivors of the Hadassah massacre, about the incident of the massacre and the stages that preceded it.

The report actually goes into detail the stages of the famous "Mount Scopus Convoy" disaster, in which the Israeli armored convoy was attacked as it made its way to Mount Scopus on April 13, 1948, during which 78 of the convoy's passengers - medical workers of the Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital - were killed. (Among them the director of the Hadassah Hospital, Dr. Moshe Ben David), the employees of the Hebrew University, the defense people of the mountain guards, patients, visitors and civilians - after they were attacked by Arab rioters as a revenge for the Deir Yassin affair.

The report includes, among other things, background on the organization of the convoy and the road to Mount Scopus in general, an extensive minute-by-minute description of the day of the disaster, starting at 9:00 a.m. when the participants of the convoy gathered in various streets in Jerusalem, the tests conducted to examine the condition of the road and security, and the failures in examining the area, the first explosion of the escort car, and then the explosion of the two buses, and the combined Arab attack on the cars that were stuck, the military reinforcements that were late to arrive, the attempt of the convoy members to defend themselves, chilling testimony about the bodies that were burned and barely identified (those brought to a mass grave), as well as about the missing.

There are detailed testimony transcripts received from people who survived the incident and submitted as part of the investigation of the disaster - in which they detail the disaster, each from the place where they were present at the time of the incident, and the difficult scenes they witnessed, among them: Dr. Egon Ries, Dr. Heinrich Feuchtunger, Dr. David Ullman, Olitsky, Mr. Pinchas Zaritsky, Dr. Lipa Shapira, Zeev Nesetsky, Aryeh Satsemsky (who details in his testimony how he noticed an armed Arab passing right in front of the car they were traveling in, and how within a minute the explosion came), Yitzhak Hoffman, and more. In addition, there is a list of the "names of the wounded who are at Hadassah Mount Scopus", and the "names of the dead". In the introduction, the representative who compiled it, Mr. S. Horowitz, writes that the investigation of the disaster took longer than he thought because the security authorities did not share action with him, and also due to the fact that he took testimony from injured people in serious condition who did not exactly remember every detail they were asked about.

In addition, the report reveals the exhaustion of the defense personnel in the event, who waited for the consent of the British in order to intervene, which was not forthcoming, as well as the British's own disregard of the difficult situation after it was already known about the massacred Jews. (According to David Shaltiel's testimony, for about 6 hours the British forces refused to intervene and rescue the convoy. The British even prevented the "Haganah" from organizing a rescue operation).

About 80 leaves (33x20 cm), data in an original folder from 1948 entitled: "The murders of Sheikh Garah". Good - very good condition.

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124. An official report on the 'Hadassa Convoy' disaster - May 1948 - submitted about a month after the disaster