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Buchenwald horrors - photograph albums, graphs, and maps - first edition in Russian

Opening price: $250

Commission: 22%

Sold: $420
04.19.2023 07:00pm

The Buchenwald National Memorial to Resistance Fighters Against Fascism - A collection of documents with drawings and maps ["Бухенвальд Национальный памятник борцам Сопротивления против фашизма. Сборник документов с чертежами и картами"]
Buchenwald - National Memorial to Resistance Fighters Against Fascism - an album of uncensored documents, graphs, and maps documenting in detail the horrors of the Buchenwald death camp - published by the Trustees for the Construction of National Memorials in Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, and Ravensbrück. first edition in Russian (translated by P. Siberson) - 1949. Rare.

An important and uncensored booklet documenting the atrocities committed by the Nazis in the Buchenwald concentration camp. It provides a detailed overview of the camp's operations and the horrors that took place during the war years, alongside photographs, illustrations, and detailed maps. Among other things, it features a map of the distribution of death camps in Germany, the road leading to Buchenwald built by the prisoners themselves, a model of the camp with a precise description of all its sections, guard towers, prisoner cells, electric fences, the courtyard of death where tens of thousands of Jews were hanged, gas chambers, and forced labor. It also includes shocking photographs of prisoners during morning roll call, illustrations of various torture methods used by the Nazis, and the forced labor imposed on the prisoners. Additionally, it describes in detail the various torture methods that the prisoners endured and the attempt to cover up the facts. After the murder of prisoners, the SS wrote false reports to hide the truth: "died during an attempted escape" "committed suicide, "died of natural causes, " etc. The booklet also features a rare photograph of the child Stefan Zweig from Krakow, who was hidden by the prisoners among old clothes in the warehouse, thereby saving his life, as well as photos of Buchenwald prisoners on liberation day, and more.

Rare publication. Does not appear in the world catalog of libraries world cat.

30x21 cm. Good condition.

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76. Buchenwald horrors - photograph albums, graphs, and maps - first edition in Russian