Auction 03 /

64  From



Collection of Non-Traditional Haggadot- 1950-1960

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

10.29.2019 07:00pm

Seven Kibbuz Haggadot / Non-Traditional Haggadot. Years: 1950-1960.

* The Dror Pioneering Youth Movement - Immigrant Camps 1960.
Rare Haggadah : Stencil print with illustrations. "Ma nishtana ... that we tell in the Exodus while there are many enslavers in the world ...". References to the Holocaust: 'World War 2 broke out with us in the Diaspora ... until the Great Holocaust became infected ..." . an interesting mention of the War of Independence: '
And come the great hour to Israel, the time of the war, and it is a spirit of valor and blood, and will meet seven pentagonal armored and equipped Arab armies and fight us And we are a few... and our back against the wall, and the Hebrew defense will stand at the gate, and the Palmach will erect his weapon ... and lock pioneers in front of the camp ... '. There is also a long section about the founding of the youth movement studying in Eretz Israel in 1924: "And in those days of 1924, A handful of boys in the 'Herzliya' gymnasium found themselves out of place in the empty atmosphere of the school... they laid the foundations in the youth movement in Israel ... and other things of the Camp words written in the book of Chronicles...', and more.

* Yifat 1956 - Haggada that combines the text with excerpts from the choir. Interesting and original section at the end of the Haggadah: "The cup of Elijah" - "Who will count the number of tears that came close and who will solve the great secret?" The glass of tears, the glass of grief, the glass of consolation and redemption ... '.

* Kfar Blum 1950. Hand-painted Haggadah. This Haggadah has Additionally stencil print leaf: 'Give your voice a song and a holiday greeting!' .

* Kfar Giladi 1950. Otto Geysmer style illustrations.

* Kfar Sold 1950.

* The Immigrant Camps 1953.

* Village of Felix Warburg 1956.

general condition: Good.

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64. Collection of Non-Traditional Haggadot- 1950-1960