Auction 24 /

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Detailed testimonies of prisoners in the Buchenwald and Dachau camps [France, 1945]

Opening price: $200

Commission: 23%

Sold: $240
01.29.2024 07:00am

Dans les camps de concentration au regime nazi - "In the Nazi Concentration Camps". Published by Association des intenes et deportes politiques PUT-DE-DOME - Association of Internees and Political Deportees PUY-DE-DOME. Testimonies of prisoners about the atrocities in Buchenwald and Dachau. No year mentioned [France 1945]. Rare.

"It is important that from our formal testimonies, from our shared statements, a "White Book" be born, an accusation as heavy as possible against this regime, against this system, against its accomplices". Early and detailed testimonies of several prisoners from Buchenwald and Dachau concentration camps. An early booklet exposing in detail the structure of the Buchenwald and Dachau camps, the methods of killing and torture used by the Nazis, the Nazi's methods of concealment in order to hide the atrocities from the eyes of the world, the atrocities committed in the camp infirmary in cooperation with the Nazi nurses, the executions in the crematoriums and the corpse transfer process, the atrocities committed by the pathologist doctors on prisoners, chilling documentation from the mouths of prisoners who were witnesses to the horrific experiments carried out in Blocks 16 and 46 in Buchenwald, the starvation of prisoners, testimonies about the death marches to Dachau in the first months of 1944, a description of the atrocities committed in Block 30 in Dachau on the disabled and prisoners over age 60. A chilling testimony of a prisoner who witnessed several executions in Dachau: "I witnessed many prisoner executions. Each time our unfortunate friends were taken to a small black shed near the crematorium. There they undressed and came out completely naked. Then they were taken separately to a mound of earth surrounded by a fence of reeds and killed with a pistol or machine gun by the SS who witnessed the execution", in his testimony he documents how during the executions the SS soldiers smoked cigarettes, joked and laughed "they looked as if they were at a real party", he writes. There are harsh testimonies about prisoners who were forced to dig graves for their friends who had just been murdered in Dachau, in which thousands of bodies were buried, and more. At the end of the booklet is the demand to judge the Nazis and their collaborators: "We must punish these people mercilessly, who without respect and conscience harassed, beat and tortured us...".

Extremely rare. Does not appear in the world cat library catalog.

31 p. Stains on the soft cover. Good condition.

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151. Detailed testimonies of prisoners in the Buchenwald and Dachau camps [France, 1945]