Auction 21 /

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Diary of dedications to a girl leaving Ternopol and making Aliyah to Eretz Israel - Ternopol (Ukraine) 1925 - 1926

Opening price: $150

Commission: 22%

05.08.2023 07:00pm

A diary notebook containing dozens of dedications from friends of the girl Shifra from the girls of "Department 6", in preparation for her departure from Ternopol and her Aliyah to Eretz Israel in 1926. The vast majority are written in Hebrew! And each of them is dated - most of them were written just few days before her departure in the first part of the month of Adar 1926, the subject of many dedications and blessings is the settling in Eretz Israel and its virtue. Ternopol-Ukraine 1925-1926.

Among other things, a student named Rivka Shikler writes: "Bloom like a flower on the land of Judah, as a psalm that says poetry on the fields of our fathers, may you too be such a daughter of Zion!...". One of the shared dedications read: "Remember your friends who spent so much time together on the benches of our beloved school!, remember them, and do not forget even after you have passed the sea to come to the eastern land!...". Another student, Lipa, writes: "If the day of Geula is late, it will march pace by pace do not despair prisoner of hope until your sun will rise! In eternal memory before your departure to Eretz Israel your brother Lipa" In one of the pages, a brief blessing appears "On the prom of our separation on the day 14th of Adar on occasion of our friends Giza and Shifra aliyah to the Eretz Israel..." On the same page an illustration of the Israeli flag and many signatures of all the girls in the class, another dedication is about collecting funds for the Jewish National Fund through the tin boxes, and more.

Between the two World Wars, 14,000 Jews lived in Ternopol – about 40 percent of its population. There was an old Jewish primary school in the city, and between the two wars the language of teaching was Polish. The Jewish children also had Talmud Torah and schools of Beit Yaakov and culture at their disposal. Jewish cultural institutions in Ternopol included public libraries, drama bands and sports clubs. The Zionist parties and youth movements played an important role in the public life of the community. In Ternopol, there were also branches of the Bund and Agudath Yisrael, and Jews were also members of an underground group of Polish communists.

32 written pages - dedications and blessings from different friends. Leather binding with flowers.

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175. Diary of dedications to a girl leaving Ternopol and making Aliyah to Eretz Israel - Ternopol (Ukraine) 1925 - 1926