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Leaf of Torah novellae written by the Maharam Shik

Opening price: $1,500

Commission: 22%

Sold: $1,600
01.22.2020 07:00pm

"Opening for Shabbat Teshuva" - sermon on matters of confidence and trust in G-d in the handwriting of the Rebbe Mahara'm Shick.

An important sermon the Maharam explains the subject of confidence in G-d wondrously, that it is not right for a person to cast his trust in G-d when caused him evil then the security is natural to lean on G-d at time of distress and what will he do? but When there is a force to act in His power and the person help by people and succeed seemingly in his own powers, then it is proper that He trust in G-d that He lead him in the ways of truth and help Him "בכל אשר יפנה יבטח בה'' even when His path seems safe.

In this way he interprets the verse in Tehillim 118: "טוב לבטוח בה' מבטוח באדם" which means that while there is still a person to be protected, then it is Right to trust in G-d, and this explains what is said: 'יחל ישראל אל ה' כי עם ה' החסד כי הרבה עמו פדות' That even when there are many ways of salvation, must trust G-d to help him precisely at this time. And in his own way he explains the verse: 'תמוטט רשע רעה ושונאי צדיק יאשמו'. The Gaon also adds some words about Moshe's sin in the waters of Meriva and more.

The renowned Ga'on Rabbi Moshe Shik (1807-1879) was the great and outstanding disciple of Rabbeinu the Chatam Sofer. The renowned rabbi of Hust and the head of the yeshiva there, the greatest of the Hungarian authorities, and the leader of the faithful Judaism in Hungary. At the age of 17, he came to the Yeshiva of Rabbeinu the Chatam Sofer, and in his early years he had eaten every Shabbat with him, Soon he became one of his most important students. He wrote novellae on the Talmud, a series of responsa [containing more than 1000 Halachic responsa], and more.

[2] written pages, 55 lines in his holy handwriting. Very fine condition.

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276. Leaf of Torah novellae written by the Maharam Shik