Auction 07 /

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Non-Traditional Haggada - Shomer HaTzair Kibbutz, 1943

Opening price: $80

Commission: 22%

Sold: $80
08.17.2020 07:00pm

Non-traditional haggada, stencil print with illustrations by Ruth Schloss, published by the HaShomer HaTzair kibbutzim. Many texts discuss the tightening of the ring around the neck of the Jewish Nation in Europe in 1943.

"We started out few in number, and 50,000 we are today, but we are too few to save the tens of thousands of the nation who remain on the continent of death. Because the hand of the cruel rule on the Diaspora, they cut off the artery of our life. ...we have been filled with horrors of night and fear of day every day...who has a heart to carry the day and night, the fear of the gallows throughout the world...who has tears to cry the cry of insult...for the terror of a babe wandering naked in the forest, who has tears for this?....

Includes a Yizkor passage for the loss of Jewish communities in Europe: "This nation that was exiled that was destroyed the stations of loss and the carriages of death, these are the Jewish communities that were killed, this is the screams of the mother whose baby was killed in her hands, this is the torture of the orphans of thousands, these are the death ships that sink in the depths of the sea....".

Includes a passage that contrasts the "spring of nations" that is fast approaching to the destruction of the Jewish nation:
"The spring of the nations is now approaching, it will come even if yet tarries, but meanwhile the terrible plot is being carried out, our nation is being destroyed!"

Towards the end of the haggadah there are texts that express hope for the continuation of the Zionist activities, despite the terrible loss:
"And this is the fourth year of the world war, outside the sword destroys and creates fear. But in the gates our brethren have placed tens of thousands of ssoldiers, notrim and defense forces, and they are a shield and strength for us - because they went for the freedom of the nation and our lips speak of our admiration for them, when they return we will be adorned with victory and you return in peace to continue the operations..."

32 pages. 20 cm. Stains on the cover. Slight tears near spine. Fine condition.

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208. Non-Traditional Haggada - Shomer HaTzair Kibbutz, 1943