Auction 02 /

192  From



'Parting Blessing' - printed poster on the occasion of the departure of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Av 1929

Opening price: $80

Commission: 22%

Sold: $100
09.30.2019 07:00pm

"Blessing of Separation" - a printed poster on behalf of the Kolel Chabad administration in Jerusalem, calling for the separation from the Lubavitcher rebbe who leaves the city. [Jerusalem, 1929]. Zuckerman printing press, Jerusalem.
A poster from the time of the Rebbe's visit to Eretz Israel in 1929. The proclamation states that the representatives of the institutions and the entire congregation will receive the farewell blessing at the Amdursky Hotel.

In the month of Av, 1929, the R 'YZZ traveled to Eretz Yisrael to visit the holy sites and to examine the possibility of settling in the Land. He left Riga on the 22nd of Tammuz and arrived on the train to Eretz Israel at the first place in Jerusalem. where he visited Jerusalem and met with the Chief Rabbis of the Edah HaChareid, then went north to Meron, Safed and Tiberias. He received a special permit to enter the Cave of the Patriarchs with the help of Rabbi Israel Zissel Dvoretz. From Hebron he returned to Jerusalem. wherever he went he gave a mass reception to the audience and delivered a sermon from Chabad torra. He then met with local delegations and even received people for personal conversations. His visit to Israel lasted about two weeks, and on 16 B'Av he went to Alexandria, from where he continued on a ship to Baden, Germany, where he stayed for about ten days, from there he traveled to Paris for one day, and from France on 6 Elul left for a year in the United States. 60x47 cm, folding marks, paper back reinforcement, condition: moderate-fine.

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192. 'Parting Blessing' - printed poster on the occasion of the departure of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Av 1929