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Pogroms from the Right and the Left - an antisemitic pamphlet calling for pogroms against Jews. Vienna, 1929

Opening price: $150

Commission: 23%

Sold: $150
12.02.2023 07:00pm

Pogrom, von rechts und von links - Pogrom, from the right and from the left, Vienna, 1929 - An anti-Semitic booklet by the Viennese journalist and publicist Ottokar Stauf von der March. The booklet was published by "The Society for Public Enlightenment" - a Nazi organization in Vienna, with the aim of justifying pogroms against Jews by claiming that they were a spontaneous reaction of the oppressed masses against Jewish control of the economy. Copies of the booklet were banned by the Vienna Public Prosecutor due to the slanderous message they contained, inciting pogroms against Jews. German.

The author argues that the pogroms that have occurred against Jews over the years were a spontaneous response by the non-Jewish population to Jewish economic dominance and were never organized by the authorities. The author makes the absurd claim that historically, and particularly in the Middle Ages, Jews engaged in usury against non-Jews, thus gaining control over the European economy. This allegedly caused pressure on the lower class to repay loans, and in response, they were "forced" to take revenge on Jews. "Pogroms are nothing but attempts by desperate and frustrated individuals to help themselves when they can no longer think of any other way to combat the Jewish cancer... Pogroms, like wars, are the revolution, the final solution, the ultimate means to sever an unbreakable bond". The author quotes passages that allegedly suggest that Jews themselves advocated usury as a means of controlling non-Jews.
In the second part of the booklet, the author argues that in the past, Jews themselves perpetrated more pogroms against non-Jews than those carried out against them, citing quotes from the Bible, such as verses from the Book of Joshua regarding the conquest of Eretz Israel by Bnei Israel and the removal of the seven nations inhabiting it, the war against Amalek, and the story of the Megilat Esther, which ends with the revenge of the Jews against Persia.

Publications of this kind were intended to justify spontaneous attacks carried out by groups such as the SA in Germany and to encourage the public to initiate violence against Jews. The initial publications were banned by the Vienna Public Prosecutor because they explicitly called for pogroms against Jews. The booklet before us includes two rare pages discussing the damage caused to the organization due to the banning of the initial publications and a request for public support in the publication of this booklet. The cover features a stereotypical illustration of Jews against a background of a city in flames.

Rare. Only two listings in the world cat global library catalog.

32 p. 24 cm. Minor tears on the cover. Good condition.

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58. Pogroms from the Right and the Left - an antisemitic pamphlet calling for pogroms against Jews. Vienna, 1929