Auction 12 /

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Rare Letter by the "Kneset Mordechai" of Sadigura regarding the rescue of his sister during the Holocaust

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

Sold: $300
08.02.2021 07:00pm

"I came in this letter on a very serious and important matter ... I am enveloped in sorrow and grief and weeping signs for which the hand of G-d touched my gentle sister with her dear and honorable husband pursuing charity and kindness and their two sons ... want to convey them to dachau concentration camp, which there is a danger to lives in the full sense of the word ... may he succeed thanks to my holy fathers to please them for giving my delicate sister T. and her family an exceptional entry permit in order to save them from the danger of death G-d forbid...". A rare letter by the Admor Rabbi Mordechai Shalom Yosef Friedman of Sadigura asking to save his sister, her husband and their sons from the Nazis, who were "in great danger" before they were taken to the Dachau death camp. In his letter, the Rebbe asked an influential figure in the Palestinian government to contact "the Commissioner or Mr. Governor Mills and Edwin Samuel" for assistance "in obtaining an exceptional entry permit in order to save them from the danger of death", And suggests that if necessary he will urgently come to Jerusalem "because this can not be rejected." Stencil Printing and four lines (personal details, place of residence in Tel Aviv) in the handwriting and signature of the admor in English.

eventually, the Rebbe managed to save his family and bring them to Israel.

The Admor Rabbi Mordechai Shalom Yosef Friedman (1897-1979) The fourth Rebbe of the Sadigura family. Born to Rabbi Aharon Friedman, owner of "Kdoshet Aharon", from Sadigura. After the war he was active in Agudat Israel, and in the first great meeting, when he was only 26 years old, he was appointed a member of the "World Executive Committee" of Agudat Israel and the president of the Torah Foundation. In 1923, he established the "Mishivat Nefesh" yeshiva in Przemyśl. In 1925 he began to send Hasidim to Eretz Yisrael, and in 1933 he visited Eretz Yisrael and Lag B'Omer lit the fire with the traditional lighting in Meron. In Adar 1939 he visited Eretz Israel again, and on the advice of his uncle Rabbi Yisrael of Husiatin, settled there and settled in Tel Aviv. He opened a synagogue on Bezalel Yaffe Street, and worked for the survivors and, among other things, corresponded with the High Commissioner and met with Haim Moshe Shapira on the matter. Died at the age of 83 on the 29th of Nisan 1979, and was buried in the Nahalat Yitzhak cemetery in Givatayim. His teachings on the Torah and the Mo'adim appeared in the book series "Knesset Mordechai".

[1] leaf. 28x22 cm. Very good condition.

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247. Rare Letter by the "Kneset Mordechai" of Sadigura regarding the rescue of his sister during the Holocaust