Auction 11 /

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Strauss Courtyard in Jerusalem - A large collection of historical documents

Opening price: $150

Commission: 22%

05.24.2021 07:00pm

A folder containing about 230 documents related to the famous Strauss courtyard in the Musrara neighborhood of Jerusalem, established by the philanthropist Shmuel Strauss. 1920s to 1950s.

Among other things, there are: various legal documents dealing with the part of the trustees of the endowment and their rights in it (some were directed against Dr. Wallach in order to remove his guardianship over the endowment), related documents In the heirs of Rachel Strauss, contracts for renting an apartment for residents of the Strauss courtyard, income and expenses of the courtyard, transcripts of hearings held in the Great Court in Jerusalem regarding the law of the endowment and its legal owner - some were held in the court of Rabbi Elyashiv in the 1950s. Dedicated notes on parts of the courtyard that belonged to Dr. Albert Feuchtunger - 1930s, pages documenting deeds between the owners of the courtyard and Yosef Ifendri regarding the division of land, Property agreements and handwritten transfer of ownership from the 1930s, courtyard account pages printed on a typewriter in various periods, Strauss Yard income pages with a detailed list of the tenants and the amount of rent they paid, and many more.

The collection of documents has not been thoroughly examined by us.

The Strauss Courtyard is a building of about 30 apartments and a beit midrash in the heart of the Musrara neighborhood of Jerusalem, founded by the philanthropist Shmuel Strauss (1847–1904) from Karlsruhe in Germany, and named after him. In 1894, with the death of his wife, Strauss decided to initiate a charity operation to uplift her soul. In the center of the Strauss courtyard, Yeshivat "Or Hadach" building was established with its funding, by a group of "HaSaba MiKelem" students, headed by Rabbi Shmuel Hillel Shinker and Rabbi Baruch Marcus. The courtyard soon became a center of Torah and morality in Jerusalem. The place was inhabited by the most famous moral leaders of the generation, who immigrated from Lithuania and settled in Jerusalem, including: Rabbi Yitzchak Blazer, Rabbi Naftali Amsterdam, Rabbi Zvi Levitan, Rabbi Yitzchak Meltzen and Rabbi Aryeh Leib Broida, the brother of the "Saba MiKelem". A group of Gdoley Jerusalem also determined their place of study in the courtyard, and were also known for their perseverance and leadership of celibacy and morality. Among them are Rabbi Meir Heller, Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Weisfish (grandson of Rabbi Nahum MiShadik), Rabbi Shmuel Tefillinsky, Rabbi Yonah Ram, Rabbi Eliyahu Baruch Perlman, Rabbi Chaikel Miletzky, Rabbi Yehuda Holtzman and Rabbi Zelig Leib Levin.

Among the residents of the Strauss court: Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank. Among the natives: Rabbi Simcha Zissel Broida, Rosh Yeshivat Hebron, and Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Goldwicht, Rosh Yeshiva Kerem in Yavne.

Documents in an original folder from the period. Typewriter documents, as well as handwritten documents. general condition very good.

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295. Strauss Courtyard in Jerusalem - A large collection of historical documents