Auction 23 /

124  From



Struthof concentration camp - Early folder of photographs

Opening price: $150

Commission: 23%

Sold: $170
12.02.2023 07:00pm

STRUTHOF LE CAMP D'INTERNEMENT - "Struthof internment camp". Folder containing ten photographs of facilities, prisoners, wards, and a general view of the Struthof concentration camp. Stamped with the ink stamp of the "National Committee for the Memory of Struthof Victims". c. 1945.

Photographs: operating table, prisoners returning to camp after work day, forced laborers in quarry in 1942, barbed wire fence, crematorium, gallows, prisoner wooden barracks, general view, and more. Each photo described on back in French.

The Nazi concentration and labor camp Natzweiler-Struthof built in northern France also conducted human experiments. The crematorium was built when the camp opened, and was in constant use for burning the bodies of prisoners who died or were murdered. In August 1943, construction of a gas chamber in the camp was completed.
Human experiments were also conducted in the camp, usually resulting in the death of the subjects. Since the camp was close to research facilities in Germany itself, this was exploited to conduct research on killing methods and the efficacy of various gas compounds. Initially, experiments were conducted on prisoners of the camp. However, since the prisoners' workforce was needed for the German war effort, Jewish and Roma prisoners were brought specifically to Natzweiler-Struthof from the Auschwitz extermination camp, to be used for killing experiments in the gas chamber.
Struthof is the only extermination camp the Nazis built on French soil. The camp operated from May 21, 1941 to early September 1944, when the SS evacuated the camp's inmates on a death march towards Dachau. It was liberated by the Allies in 1944 when about 20,000 prisoners were still there. During its years of operation, the Nazis murdered about 40,000 people in Struthof.

Folder: 9x7 cm. Good condition.

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124. Struthof concentration camp - Early folder of photographs