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Testimonies on Nazi crimes against French Jews. France, 1944 - First Edition

Opening price: $150

Commission: 22%

Sold: $160
05.08.2023 07:00pm

Récits d'atrocités nazies - Testimonies on Nazi Atrocities Published by Les éditions de la clandestinité, an early report on Nazi crimes against Jews in France - "Secret Edition" published by "the National Movement Against Racism" - a collection of testimonies collected from prisoners during the war and published before the end of the war in order to awaken world public opinion to the extent of Nazi crimes and action against them, France, 1944.

A booklet exposing in detail the Nazi crimes against French Jews since beginning of July 16, 1942. The writer describes how the Nazis broke into the homes of the Jews to take them to the Aktion, included are harsh descriptions of mothers separated from their children, and mothers who threw themselves at their children and asked the SS soldiers to shoot them themselves, the writer describes the suicides of many families in different ways, hysterical escape, anyone who could, sought refuge with non-Jewish neighbors, it further describes how the Jews were put into sealed cattle cars in terrible overcrowding and many died on the roads, The escape attempts that cost many deaths, the deportation of women and children to Drancy and more.
Among other things, a letter thrown from one of the carts by a woman on her way to Épernay is quoted, in which she describes the terrible suffering she and her friends went through in the cattle cars, another letter written by a young social worker and sent to her father in August 1942 describes the intolerable conditions in the camp, at the top of the letter she writes: "What you read multiply it by a thousand, and you will get only part of the real picture", the testimony of a prisoner from Stalag 7 camp in Germany who was liberated in 1943 and describes a mass murder committed by the Nazis near the camp: "I would never have believed that human beings are capable of such savagery towards helpless wretches", and elaborates on the Nazi atrocities in the Stalag camp itself.
Towards the end of the booklet there is a chapter entitled "Three Months in a Jewish Camp in Silesia" in which the full testimony of a Jew who says that he saw with his own eyes the mass execution of Jews from Toulouse and Marseille who were shot by the Nazis into large pits, and also describes the Nazi atrocities in the other camps. Also appear other testimonies about Nazi crimes against Jews.

31 pages. 21 cm. Condition Very Good.

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104. Testimonies on Nazi crimes against French Jews. France, 1944 - First Edition