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Testimony of Francois Goldschmidt, a prisoner of the Dachau camp. France, 1945

Opening price: $120

Commission: 22%

Sold: $150
03.09.2021 07:00pm

ALSACIENS ET LORRAINS a 'DACHAU by Francois Goldschmidt - Testimony of a prisoner a Dachau camp inmate - Francis Goldschmidt a few months after the camp was liberated. France, December 1945. From the hardest and earliest evidence ever written describing in detail the horrors of Dachau.

In the introduction to the booklet, the author writes: "For those readers who have sensitive nerves, I recommend not reading this booklet ... it is also hard for me the fact that people whose relatives perished in Dachau will read things and be sorry ... but i can not in any other way ... the purpose of publishing things is to protect humanity from the re-emergence of barbaric atrocities ... in the name of the many victims of Dachau ... ".

The author tells his difficult personal story from the day he arrived in Dachau together with 80 other prisoners. It begins with the difficult story of a man who threw bread for him over the barbed wire fence a few days after arriving at the camp, and He was shot on the spot by a Nazi soldier, the bread was taken from him. That day he realized, what a cruel and difficult place he had come to. And goes on to describe the horrors of Dachau. He tells about 400 prisoners he knew personally and how they perished one after another, about those who survived the camp but died a few weeks after the release from malnutrition and disease, about the Nazi cruelty, on his good friends who committed suicide by throwing themselves on the electric fence, the "bunker" Near the southern camp fence which was used for cruel interrogations, and torture. In the bunker, executions, whipping and hanging on a pole were carried out, as well as on the prison rooms which were 'standing rooms' in which the prisoners stood in the dark, for up to 72 consecutive hours. He also describes the cruel medical experiments carried out in the camp under the guise of a 'clinic', the epidemic of typhus and starvation that took the lives of many, the freezing cold, the crematorium, and more.

The book is accompanied by difficult-to-view photographs documenting the horrors of Dachau. As well as photographs of inmates in the Dachau camp, details about them, and the way in which they were found dead in the camp.

79 p. 20 cm. Very good condition.

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77. Testimony of Francois Goldschmidt, a prisoner of the Dachau camp. France, 1945