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The Eichmann trial - a complete transcript of the trial - the speeches, the verdict and the testimonies - all six booklets bound in two volumes

Opening price: $200

Commission: 23%

Sold: $260
12.02.2023 07:00pm

The Attorney General vs. Adolf Eichmann. Full transcript of the Eichmann Trial - the Attorney General's opening speech, survivor testimonies, the appeal, and verdict. The trial transcript was published in six booklets during the trial by the Information Center of the Prime Minister's Office - the Government Printer - Jerusalem 1961-1963. Before us are all six booklets bound in two thick volumes accompanied by many photographs from the courtroom proceedings and also harsh scenes documenting Nazi crimes during the war. Hebrew and some English.

Booklet A: Opening Speech, J erusalem 1961. Includes the Prime Minister's announcement of Eichmann's arrest, Attorney General Gideon Hausner's opening speech delivered in April 1961, early legal arguments, the indictment read in April 1961, wording of the law regarding justice for Nazis and accomplices.

Booklet B: Closing Argument, Jerusalem 1962. Full transcript of Hausner's closing argument addressing the "Nature of the Jew Hater", proving the indictment, criminal responsibility of conspirators, Eichmann's control over concentration and death camps and role in Jewish extermination, proving the defendant's crimes, and full indictment.

Booklet C: Verdict and Sentence, Jerusalem 1962. Includes the verdict, Attorney General's statement, defense statement, defendant's statement, and sentence.

Booklet D: Appeal, Jerusalem 1962. Adolf Eichmann's appeal against his conviction on all four severe charges directly implicating him in the Jewish people's destruction. Details Eichmann's main defense argument of executing superiors' orders without recognizing their grave implications, and Attorney General's response to these claims.

Testimonies A, Jerusalem 1963. Full transcript of 52 detailed testimonies provided in court by Holocaust survivors regarding Eichmann's crimes specifically and Nazis' crimes generally. (Testimonies appear verbatim as stated in court in Q&A format. Hausner patiently pressed survivors to recount all that befell them to create global resonance and raise Holocaust awareness). Each testimony preceded by survivor's photo and brief biography.

Testimonies B, Jerusalem 1963. Full transcript of 54 detailed testimonies provided in court by Holocaust survivors regarding Eichmann's crimes specifically and Nazis' crimes generally. Also verbatim Q&A format as stated in court. Each testimony preceded by survivor's photo and brief biography.

Two thick volumes, original black covers. Each booklet has a separate title page in color. Very good condition.

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173. The Eichmann trial - a complete transcript of the trial - the speeches, the verdict and the testimonies - all six booklets bound in two volumes