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The Jewish Republic and Bolshevism - Antisemitic publicity in the midst of World War II. France 1942

Opening price: $100

Commission: 22%

03.09.2021 07:00pm

LE CAHIER JAUNE - An antisemitic pamphlet published in France in the midst of World War II, accusing the Jews of Bolshevikization of France, and all the ills of French society. September 1942.

The pamphlet increasingly blames the Jews for all the ills of French society beginning with the War of 1870-1871. The editor often quotes the antisemitic claims of the Frenchman Edouard Dromont and claims that if Dromont were alive today he was present of his theories about 'Jews are our disaster' existed completely. The author claims that the Jews work in the form of a 'method', they give loans to the French aristocracy generously, and when they come to collect the loan they add more and more and thus impoverished the French society, which due to lack of economic means finds it difficult to fight. The writer then goes on to accuse the Jews of the contemporary (World War) conflict between France and Germany, and that all the revolutionary movements from the beginning of the 20th century in France were run by Jews in order to seize positions of power. The author adds that the Jews do not really want the Land of Israel, but it is only a claim against the peoples to show that they are supposedly planning to leave their countries but in practice are striving, on the contrary, for internal takeover. The booklet also uses the Nazis' own claims about the diseases, and the stench of the Jews in the Polish ghettos, and accuses the Jews of lack of productivity.

24 p. 31 cm. Good condition.

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41. The Jewish Republic and Bolshevism - Antisemitic publicity in the midst of World War II. France 1942