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The Protocols of the Elders of Zion "complete edition" - Paris 1943, in the midst of World War II

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

Sold: $340
04.19.2023 07:00pm

LES PROTOCOLES DES SAGES DE SION - EDITION INTEGRALE - The Protocols of the Elders of Zion "complete edition", published by C.E.A. Paris 1943. French.

In the introduction to this edition, the publisher "adapts" the plot of the Protocols to the atrocities endured by the Jews of European communities. Since the anti-Semitism directed at the Jews did not necessarily include the Zionists, the author goes on to explain that the original "Protocols" have nothing to do with the Zionist Association established by Herzl and whose plan was focused on the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, rather than a worldwide one. Contrary, of course, to what was claimed in the "Protocols" that came out in the 1920s and which combined the plot with the intentions of the Zionist movement at the first Zionist Congresses, at that time it was claimed that the Zionist Congresses were part of the assemblies in which the execution of the "Protocols" was discussed. He said that the protocols were created by "the great spiritual leaders of Judaism, " who were not necessarily connected to the leaders of the congresses. He also adds details about those obscure "meetings" in the Jewish cemetery in Prague in which the leaders allegedly planned the plan for a global takeover. He said that there were not 24 secret meetings, but a total of three, and detailed the issues that were supposedly discussed in each of the meetings and the decisions made. He also recounts an event that occurred in the summer of 1901 in which the original manuscripts of the Protocols were found, the distribution of the protocols beginning in the 1920s, and the struggle of the Jews to claim about lies written in them mainly through legal means. "Judaism wanted to prove the untruthfulness of the protocols with false testimony, the elimination of all defense witnesses, forged documents, distortion of the translations, and biased opinions of experts", concluding: "All who know how to think must read this book, study it and distribute it as much as possible... Even if the identity of the writer is not identified with certainty..."

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is the most widespread anti-Semitic document in the world, which also had a tremendous influence on the fate of Jews in the 20th century. This fake pamphlet was circulated in Russia as early as 1903 with the encouragement of the Russian Church and the Imperial Court, and later became one of the prominent books used by the Nazis as an ideological justification for persecuting Jews. The original writings were written over a period of about 35 years (1868-1903). The "document" describes a global action plan consisting of 24 chapters, each of which is called a "protocol". Each protocol contains numerous clauses and sub-clauses that detail a practical plan for the Jews to take over the world and implement it. According to the protocols, the Jewish national fathers, who formed a secret association called the "Elders of Zion" at the First Zionist Congress in 1897, convened in a secret meeting. At this meeting, they devised a cunning way to take control of the world's treasures and leadership, through a sophisticated scheme of moral corruption of magnificent cultures, exploitation of non-Jewish money, and the fomentation of wars between friendly nations. (Even today, anti-Semitic forces make widespread use of it in their war against Jews and the State of Israel.)

95 p. 17 cm. Some of the text has highlights and markings in pencil. Slight tears at the edges of the cover. Spine reinforced with adhesive paper. overall condition good.

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36. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion "complete edition" - Paris 1943, in the midst of World War II