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The return of the Body of Mordechai Marciano After His Murder – Morocco, 1912 – Real-photo Postcard

Opening price: $70

Commission: 22%

11.04.2020 07:00pm

A Real-photo postcard depicting a group of Jews from EL MERADA – Morocco, around the body of ‘Bibi’, nicknamed Mordechai Marciano who was murdered by a Moroccan in a cesspool on May 18, 1912, the body was brought to Chouari in Merda, where the image before us was taken.

Marciano was a clothing merchant in the market in debdou (The city of the priests) One day when a Muslim came to his store asking to buy a clothing. An argument developed between the two over the cost of the cloth, which the Muslim claimed was too expensive. Marciano did not agree to give him a discount, and so during a loud debate the Muslim demanded that the Jew admit to the Messianic of Muhammad. since Marciano refused, the Muslim got up and killed him. The murder caused many Jews to leave Debedu, despite the good relations that had developed between them and the local Muslims. Mordechai Marciano left a widow with many children whose descendants remember and bring with them to this day the sad story of the murder of their grandfather’s father.

Sent by mail. Very good condition.

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32. The return of the Body of Mordechai Marciano After His Murder - Morocco, 1912 - Real-photo Postcard