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The suicide of the daughters of Beit Yaakov in the midst of the Holocaust - two early and rare publications

Opening price: $100

Commission: 22%

Sold: $100
11.04.2020 07:00pm

Two early and horrific pamphlets that reveal the story of the suicide of the 93 daughters of Beit Yaakov in the Krakow ghetto, who chose to end their lives and not be raped by the German soldiers in the month of Av 1942.

* Kidush Hashem - High Death of the 93 Girls in the Karka Ghetto on the 3rd of Menachem Av 1942, narrated by an eyewitness, a student at the Beit Yaakov Teachers' Seminary in Karka. Rare booklet reveals the testimony of the teacher of the Beit Yaakov seminary in Krakow, Ms. Hannah Weiss, in which she describes how she was with her friends on the day of the suicide, and how she was suddenly called to take care of her aunt who fell ill, thus actually saving her life. In the letter, Weiss describes in detail the events that day- from the arrival of the SS soldiers who announced on only three hours in a dark yard until they returned, the joint decision to take poison pills, "Shechayinu" and "Shema Yisrael" before the suicide, and how the girls took it unanimously The pills. A number of photographs of the daughters of Beit Yaakov also appear, and quoted from the daily press, which brought to the public the story of the act at the time of its occurrence. 39 pages. Hebrew with a Yiddish translation.

93 - In memory of ninety-three of our sisters in Poland who chose to die as a saints and not to be surrendered to disgrace, published by the Committee for the Defense of the Daughter of Israel, 1943. The booklet first revealed a letter from Beit Yaakov student in Krakow - Chaya Feldman, written a few hours before the Nazi soldiers came, and sent to New York, to Dr. Yitzhak Levin. In it, Feldman describes the moments of horror that preceded the decision to take their lives, "Today we are all together, saying confession all day. We are not afraid of anything. We have only one request: say Kaddish after 93 daughters of Israel. We will soon be with our mother Sarah ". The booklet also included articles by the The great hebrew intellectuals who referred to the event, and more. 32 pages.

Both booklets in good condition.

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73. The suicide of the daughters of Beit Yaakov in the midst of the Holocaust - two early and rare publications