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Tokpo shel Ness, Jerusalem, [1894]. Dedication and Signature of the Author, The Mekubal Rabbi Chaim David Sithon

Opening price: $100

Commission: 22%

Sold: $100
01.22.2020 07:00pm

Tokpo shel Ness, Part I. Explanation of the articles of the Holy Tana Rabbi Meir, with the combination of his name that apears in the Bible, by Rabbi Habib Haim David Sithon. Rai'n Levi print, Jerusalem, 1894. Dedication and signature of the author.

The book is a single source of many traditions the author has received from many of the previous generations: 'And I heard from my rabbis Who would ask on the rabbis ... '.

The Genius Rabbi Chaim David Sithon [1827-1906]: One of the great rabbis of Tiberias. in his youth, studied with Rabbi Haim Shmuel HaCohen Connortti, and with his grandfather, Rabbi Aharon Shvut Halevi. He used to isolate himself and study at the cave of Elijah the Prophet and the tomb of Rabbi Meir, and use to studied Kabbalah there. He spent the summer days in Peki'in, where he traded with the locals, and thanks to his efforts, a synagogue for Jewish residents was set up in the village. Founded the Eliyahu Prophet Yeshiva in Haifa and headed it. For about 30 years he served as a Av Beit Din in Tiberias. Author of the books "Shemesh Umagen", "Karssia DeAlihu' and more. Upon his passing, he was buried in the old "Knesset Israel" cemetery in Haifa, in a cave attributed to Rabbi Avdimi Damin Haifa.

[1], 86 leaves. The first 5 pages are cut in the upper right corner with a slight text damage. title page detached, not bound. Moderate - good condition.

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244. Tokpo shel Ness, Jerusalem, [1894]. Dedication and Signature of the Author, The Mekubal Rabbi Chaim David Sithon