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Two antisemitic proclamations – World War II

Opening price: $180

Commission: 22%

09.14.2022 07:00pm

“The Jews are your eternal enemy” – two anti-Semitic proclamations made by the Nazi Propaganda Office, aimed at Soviet soldiers during World War II. [The 1940s].

In the proclamations addressed to the Soviet soldiers with the demand to surrender and defect to the German ranks, the Jew is presented as the common enemy of the Germans and the Soviets – on the front of each proclamation appears a large anti-Semitic cartoon, on the back of both proclamations promises of a better life, religious freedom, and economic well-being among the Germans, if only the Russian soldiers would defect to their ranks.

Same size: 21×15 cm. Stains. Good condition.

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52. Two antisemitic proclamations - World War II