Auction 07 /

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Zionist training groups in Romania - a collection of photographs. 1930s

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

08.17.2020 07:00pm

72 rare photographs documenting Zionist training groups in Romania. The majority of Jewish youth groups from the cities of Galaţi and Roman, 1934-1935, the 'Bnei Avodah' Group, and others.

The photographs document the various Hebrew youth in the group. Many group photographs appear detail at the back, with details of the names taken in Hebrew, photographs of the group members during working hours, an interesting photograph of a group of pioneers from Bakao 1934 (depicted in the back), the pioneers around the laundry in a Roman branch on Sochadeva Street, Theodore "The Mashgiach" On the back of the photo he called "Rishon of the Overseers", a group of pioneers on the ship 'Burgess' en route from Constanta to Haifa 1935, and more. In most of the photos, a photographer's ink stamp is HARY SEGALL - Romania.

In Roman was vigorous movement of Zionist activity. As early as 1899, the first Zionist unions were established in Roman. In 1915, a group of young people founded the organization "Or Zion" and over time hundreds joined them. The Balfour Declaration (1917) was celebrated in Roman at a parade on Central Street and a public garden convention. In 1922, the "Zionist Youth Center" (C.T.S.) was founded as a scouting organization, and As early as 1925, the pioneering nature of groups that had undergone training and immigrated to Eretz Israel had already Designed. In the 1930s, when the pictures before us taken, were about 6,000 Jews in the Roman, which was 28 percent of the general population.

Attached: A 'guard book' by Hashomer Hatzair in Romania, 'Barak' training group in Bacau, Kibbutz Alia Zikim II. In the card - notary of the guard's words, the slogans of the guard: "Self-fulfillment - the path of every guard!"

About sixty photos in size: 9x7 cm. Eleven photographs in size: 9x14 cm. Very good condition.

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106. Zionist training groups in Romania - a collection of photographs. 1930s