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An important letter from the Zutchka Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Rosenbaum to The Gris'h Elyashiv at the At the height of the polemics on the appointment of Rabbi Landa to the rabbi of the city of Bnei Brak. [1994]

Opening price: $400

Commission: 22%

01.22.2020 07:00pm

An important letter signed by the Zutchka Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Rosenbaum. Written at the height of the polemics appointment of Rabbi from Chabad Hassidut as rabbi of the city Bnei Brak (Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib Landa). It was written to protect Rabbi Landa that he is "in the position of Kosher as all Israel and should not be disqualified" and should continue in his capacity as rabbi of the city, even if most rabbis are opposed. Send to Maran HaRav Elyashiv to request that he decide on the matter.

In his letter, the Rebbe provides various evidence that although Rabbi Landa was one of Chabad's followers and "accepted by all rabbis, some of our rabbis also include that the Chabad method is incorrect, and therefore they are opposed to Chabad" , however, as Rabbi Landa himself Has Hezkat kashrut, no person should be excluded from Hezkat kashrut and disqualified according to Maimonides in Hilchot Kidush HaHodesh and other sources. And according to the argument of "majority of rabbis" who oppose the appointment, the Rebbe writes that most rabbis cannot abolish the Torah, according to Midrash shemot Raba, who said: "Shlomo and Thousand like him will be void, and I do not cancel Basic from Torah." He adds: "In any case, if there is no basis in the Torah, then no rabbis can decide anything."

Rabbi Landa's father died on shvat 1986, and during his funeral, the mayor, Moshe Irnstein, declared: "By the will and request of Rabbi Yaakov Landa, we announce the coronation of his son Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Liv Landa to serve as rabbi of our city". The announcement sparked a heated debate in the city. Rabbi Elazar Menachem Schach, the Lithuanian public leader, opposed the appointment of a Chabad devotee as city mayor, and supported the appointment of Rabbi Shmuel Wozner, rabbi of the Zichron Meir neighborhood in the city. Rabbi Wozner announced that he was accepting the son's authority as continuing his father in the city Rabanut. In fact, despite the support of some of the Hasidic communities in Rabbi Landa, he was not officially appointed city rabbinate by the state, and he received a salary from the municipality. Most of the Hasidic courts stood next to Rabbi Landa. Rabbi Landa, for his part, issued regulations to monitor the city's character. And practiced the affairs of providence and modesty.

The Rebbe Yitzchak Isaac Rosenbaum of Zotschka [1906-2000] Born in Czernowitz to Rabbi Itamar Rosenbaum from Nadvorne. Immediately after his marriage he determined his residence in Zuchka, a small town in the suburbs of Czernowitz, There he served as Rabbi of the city for the rest of his father's life, and on its name is called the Rebbe of Mazuchka. After a few years he moved to serve in the town of Waskowitz where he served as Admor until the outbreak of World War II. The Rebbe miraculously survived the Holocaust. His descendants and followers celebrate his rescue day every year. After the Holocaust he emigrated to the United States. After the death of his father in 1973, he began to fill his place in the beit midrash in the Yad Eliyahu neighborhood of Tel Aviv. He moved to Bnei Brak in 1981, where he founded Beit Midrash.

[1] official stationery leaf. 25x21 cm. Typewritten, signed by the Admor.

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292. An important letter from the Zutchka Admor Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Rosenbaum to The Gris'h Elyashiv at the At the height of the polemics on the appointment of Rabbi Landa to the rabbi of the city of Bnei Brak. [1994]