Auction 15 /

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Answer in Hilachot Ishut by Rabbi Yosef Eliyahu Hankin, the great Posek of America

Opening price: $200

Commission: 22%

Sold: $200
04.04.2022 07:00pm

Long answer [3 pages] in Hilachot Ishut in the Law of Marriage according to non jews, by the Gaon Rabbi Yosef Eliyahu Hankin, with corrections and comments in his handwriting and signature. 1935 - Detailed signature: "Yosef Eliyahu son of the late Rabbi Eliezer Hankin author of a book Perushey ibra". The responsa before us was not printed.

After the genius explains his words in different faces in Shakla VeTarya in the depth of the matter, he writes: "... though if I come to discuss on every posek they have mentioned it will take time, and I am poor and laden with work. And I am only asking the rabbis to look carefully at all the above, and the truth is a candle at my feet - and one should not move from it ... ".

Rabbi Yosef Eliyahu Hankin [1881-1973], one of the greatest poskim in the United States, and director of the Ezrat Torah organization. In his youth, after six years of study in Slutsk, during which he became a definite disciple of Rabbi Meltzer, he was ordained a rabbi by him as well as by the Ridbaz, Rabbi Baruch Ber Leibowitz who was then rabbi of nearby Lusk, and Rabbi Yechiel Michal Halevi Epstein, author of Aruch Hashalchan. Rabbi Hankin was a friend of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein. The two lived close to each other on Manhattan's East Side, and throughout their decades of life in New York they maintained extensive halakhic ties, as evidenced by the fact that Rabbi Hankin is mentioned in the Igrot Moshe Responsa dozens of times - far beyond any other posek of the time. from his books "chidushey Ibra" and "Tshuvot Ibra". HaGris'h Elyashiv used to call it "Mara DeAtra of America".

[3] Pages 30x29 cm. Filing holes. Good condition.

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236. Answer in Hilachot Ishut by Rabbi Yosef Eliyahu Hankin, the great Posek of America